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Bur.it ? University & Research Newsletter

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Bur.it is an Italian electronic newsletter for the academic and Research world.
This daily electronic newsletter presents the news from the academic and public research in Italy (scholarships attribution, cursus and registration deadlines..).

10 universities support this publication : Milano, Catania, Perugia, Cassino, Camerino, Urbino, Palermo, Aquila, Sanio, Firenze.
Bur.it allows in particular to make a research on the competitions, prizes and research grants announcements, as well as on the scholarships (PhD students and postgraduates).
It also allows to get news from Institutions like the CRUI (Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita Italiane) or the MUR (Ministry for the University and Research).

Bur.it is available in Italian.