Promoting the UK doctorate : Opportunities and challenges
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
A research report published in September 2009 by UK UniversitiesThe report "Promoting the UK doctorate : Opportunities and challenges" is part of a series of research reports published by Universities UK which is the major representative body for the higher education in the United Kingdom.
This report brings together issues arising from policy developments and their impact on doctoral study, the range and diversity of doctoral programmes, the nature of the doctoral researcher cohort in the UK and the development of the third cycle in the Bologna process.
Through discussions with key stakeholders, the authors identified the key challenges to the future development of postgraduate research education, which include the promotion of the UK doctorate, both within the UK and internationally, working particularly to improve the employability of doctoral graduates.
This report was produced for Universities UK by Faye Emery and Janet Metcalfe, on behalf of Vitae (see also our article dated september 22, 2008.
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