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Grants of the Finnish Centre for International Mobility

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Through the Finnish Centre for International Mobility CIMO, Finland proposes scholarships for doctoral students, post-docs and researchers from all countries.

CIMO is an organisation operating under the Finnish Ministry of Education which offers services and expertise to encourage cross cultural communication.

Discover Finland, http://www.studyinfinland.fi, is a website linked to CIMO where you find all the information about study and exchange programmes, practical training and scholarships.

There are two types of scholarships for Postgraduate studies and research : individual scholarships, which young researchers apply for themselves and host fellowships, which are applied by the Finnish higher education departments wishing to host researchers and postgraduates.
The eligibility conditions, application procedure, deadlines and application forms vary according to the programme. You can find this information by using the links corresponding to each type of scholarship: CIMO scholarships, fellowships of the Finnish government…

An international database giving information about study programmes taught in English in Finnish universities and polytechnics (approximately 450), is also available.