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Fr@NIH or Frenchpostdoc@NIH

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A group of French post-docs working at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the area of Washington DC (Bethesda, Baltimore, Frederick - State of Maryland - USA).
At the origin of the Fr@NIH or Frenchpostdoc@NIH creation in 1994: the problems faced by postdocs abroad as those related to the extension of the period of post-docs due to the increasing lack of researchers positions in the Research Centers in France.

You can find on the group website, a set of practical information ranging from the preparation of your stay, the financing of your post-doc to local information and information about NIH.

If you are interested in a post-doc, don't hesitate to reach this team by e-mail or on Linkedin. For some of them, you can even reach their CV posted on the “Toile des Biologistes” (directory and network of French-speaking researchers in the life sciences).

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