Where PhDs and companies meet

Focus Research - Objectif Recherche

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Belgian association for the advancement of science.

Founded in 1987, Focus Research or Objectif Recherche in French, is a non profit organisation for the advancement of science, member of Eurodoc, a network of PhD students and young doctors in different European countries.

Its objectives:

- Developing and improving communication among researchers
- Furthering dialog with authorities in charge of research policy
- Promoting scientific vulgarization.

The Association includes scientists from different disciplines and different academic institutions; organizes events and also publishes a magazine with some issues downloadable on its website which is available in three languages (French, English and Dutch).
In the French version for example, you can see the issue of November 2009 on the assessment of Research in Belgium. Also available, section "Le doctorat et après" (The PhD and then), a survey of doctors graduated in the French Community of Belgium.

Objectif Recherche has also developed in partnership with the Association Bernard Gregory: www.doctorat.be, the portal for education valorization through research. You can see here job opportunities and submit your CV. A personalized support (coaching emploi) is also offered for doctoral students and PhDs (skills review, job interview...). This website will be available in the three languages by the end of 2010.


 Read also our article published on March 10, 2008.