Where PhDs and companies meet

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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A portal for education valorization through research in the French-speaking community of Belgium.

The portal Doctorat.be has been designed by the association Focus Research (see also our article published on March 2008) in partnership with Bernard Gregory Association and the collaboration of employment services of Belgian French-speaking universities.

Whether you are a PhD student (funding, graduate schools, and so on.), a post-doc. or a doctor (opportunities in the private and public sectors, education and research, and so on.), Doctorat.be is there to provide you with a set of useful information to your education and job search.
This site is also intended for employers interested in hiring high level staff.

Through this portal, you can submit your CV, see free of charge, the CV Bank (you never know, it can give ideas…) and check out job offers (private, public, education, doctoral and post-doctoral).

Furthermore, the initiative "Doc- Career" aims to encourage meetings between young PhDs and / or PhD students completing their thesis, and people from the business world (to read our article). 

Doctorat.be is only available in French.