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New "Blaise Pascal" International Research Chairs

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Ile-de-France (greater than Paris) Region will host highly qualified, internationally acclaimed, foreign research scientists in all scientific fields: exact sciences, humanities and social sciences, applied sciences and new technologies.

The State and the Ile-de-France (greater Paris) regional government have issued a call for applications in the context of establishing new "Blaise Pascal" International Research Chairs

The selected scientists will be hosted on a full-time basis for 12 months, possibly spread over 2 years, in one of Paris/Ile-de-France’s higher learning or research institutions for a research project endowed with financing up to 200,000 euros covering all manner of costs. Appropriate equipment and means will be provided.
Women applications are highly encouraged.

Five applicants will be selected for 2010, based on the scientific interest of the project for the Ile-de-France Region, its interdisciplinary nature and the quality of the application. 
Deadline for application : 11 January 2010.
The foreign candidate may be hosted in Ile-de-France as early as September 2009.