Cai Yuanpei
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
A program which aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Chinese research laboratories, in all scientific fields - exact sciences, humanities and social sciences - and structured around joint PhDs (or co-directed). Application deadline: February 19, 2017.
Established in 2009,"Cai Yuanpei" (Ts’ai Yüan-P’ei) as "Découverte Chine" and "Xu Guangqi", is a Franco-Chinese program intended to support the mobility of researchers jointly set up for France, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) and the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR) and for China, by the Ministry of Education through the China Scholarship Council.
Call for proposals is open to research laboratories affiliated with academic institutions or research organizations.
The active participation of early career researchers (PhD student or postdoc) is mandatory.
Travel will be reimbursed on actual costs within a limit of €1300 per France-China round-trip.
For researchers, stay allowances will be of €110 per day for a period below or equal to 30 days and €80 per day for longer periods (3 months maximum over two years).
For PhD students, a mobility scholarship amounting to €1500 per month will be awarded.
Your contacts:
For projects in exact sciences: M. Abdo MALAC, email:
For projects in humanities and social sciences:
Mme Chin By ANG, email:
To see the call for proposals on the website of Campus France, please click here.
Call for proposals is open to research laboratories affiliated with academic institutions or research organizations.
The active participation of early career researchers (PhD student or postdoc) is mandatory.
Projects will be built around one or two thesis subjects clearly identified by team and the work of involved PhD students will be co-led by French and Chinese researchers.
Their duration is two full years (July 2017 - July 2019).Travel will be reimbursed on actual costs within a limit of €1300 per France-China round-trip.
For researchers, stay allowances will be of €110 per day for a period below or equal to 30 days and €80 per day for longer periods (3 months maximum over two years).
For PhD students, a mobility scholarship amounting to €1500 per month will be awarded.
Your contacts:
For projects in exact sciences: M. Abdo MALAC, email:
For projects in humanities and social sciences:
Mme Chin By ANG, email:
To see the call for proposals on the website of Campus France, please click here.
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