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Vltava Program

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The objective is to stimulate exchange in terms of expertise and scientific skills between France and the Czech Republic, foster cooperation emergence in research and R & D and enable scientists of both countries to develop their international networks.

Although open to all, the Vltava program is specially intended for researchers aged from 35 to 45 years in all disciplines.
As part of the 2010 call for applications, selection takes into account expertise areas in the context of the Franco-Czech cooperation, as well as the scientific quality of candidates and the international recognition of their research work.

If your application is selected, two actions are proposed:

- Vltava-Tour: during one week, you will have the opportunity to visit various Czech research institutions and / or companies, and give lectures.
- Vltava-Séjour: this action allows you to stay in a Czech laboratory for a week with the aim of developping an emergent or latent cooperation.

The text of the call for applications can be downloaded in pdf format on the website of the French Embassy in the Czech Republic.
The information is only available in French or in Czech.

Deadline for applications: March 5, 2010