Xu Guangqi
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
A program which aims to support cooperation initiated between French and Chinese researchers in all scientific fields - exact sciences, humanities and social sciences. Application deadline: January 15, 2017.
"Xu Guangqi" as "Découverte Chine" and "Cai Yuanpei", is a Franco-Chinese program intended to support the mobility of researchers set up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) through the offices for Science and Technology and Cooperation and Cultural Action - French Institute in China of the Embassy of France in China.
Call for proposals, issued on an annual basis, is open to research laboratories affiliated with academic institutions or research organizations.
All scientific fields, exact sciences, humanities and social sciences, are covered by this program.
All scientific fields, exact sciences, humanities and social sciences, are covered by this program.
Active participation and mobility of young researchers, especially Phd students or postgraduate, is one of the very first criteria of selection.
The financial support only covers mobility expenses of researchers between both countries.
Your contacts:
For projects in exact sciences: M. Abdo MALAC, email: abdo.malac@diplomatie.gouv.fr
For projects in humanities and social sciences:
Mme Chin By ANG, email: chin-by.ang@institutfrancais-chine.com
To see the call for proposals on the website of Campus France, please click here.
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