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Docteurs&Co #21, March 2009

Laurent Cousin

The quarterly magazine for new PhDs who choose the world of companies. In this December issue, special feature about research in Taïwan. 
Featured in Docteurs&co #21, March 2009   Trends : Is PhD employment affected by the crisis?

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Special report in Taïwan:
67% of R&D expenditure financed by companies, nearly 100,000 researchers, i.e. 9.4 researchers for 1000 active citizens (the ratio is 8.2 in France), but fewer and fewer PhD holders among them since 2001; fewer than 5% of the PhDs are corporate researchers, the lion’s share of these working in academic institutions; a "stock" of over 9000 doctoral students, half of them in engineering sciences; over 1000 postdocs financed by the National Science Council per year.  Over and beyond these figures, read on to find out more about research in Taiwan.

How to : The new doctoral contract. In May, you can ask question about it to
M. Y. Fau from the ministry of research

Regional feature :

- A Doctoriales® To Change Tracks?

-Make Contact
In Montpellier, “Contact,” the association of PhD students and PhDs, is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year.voir la suite

- Calculation, intensively
Testimony from a Ph.D. in Computer Science

Career Path: On behalf of the state, Marianne Faucheux uses her talent to help innovative businesses

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From issue #10 of June 2006, English translations of Docteurs&Co articles are available online. Just click on the English flag when you reach a page in French.