2013 PICS
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
An International Scientific Cooperation Project jointly prepared and submitted by two research teams, one at the CNRS, the other abroad. Application deadline: April 2, 2013.PICS (international scientific cooperation Project) aims to consolidate and formalize over a non-renewable period of three years, an ongoing cooperation with a foreign partner which has already resulted in one or more publications.
This Project allows a team of a laboratory affiliated with the CNRS to get additional credit to finance missions, seminars organisation and meetings.
Countries concerned by a joint application (CNRS and partner organization) are the following:
- Germany (MPG)
- Algeria (MESRS)
- Argentina (CONICET)
- Belgium (F. R. S. - FNRS - FWO)
- Belarus (BRFFR)
- China (NSFC)
- Denmark (DNRF)
- Spain (CSIC)
- Israel (MOST)
- Italy (INAF)
- Lebanon (CNRS)
- Luxembourg (FNR)
- Morocco (CNRST)
- Mexico (IPN)
- Portugal (FCT)
- Roumania (ANCS)
- Russia (RFBR ou FRSH)
- Tunisia (MES)
- Ukraine (NASU ou SFFR)
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