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Start-up Challenge Digital Africa

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Development Agency (AFD) and Bpifrance have launched a digital innovation competition open to African and French startups.

For the first time, the AFD, which for almost 75 years has been funding development projects in Africa, and Bpifrance, have joined forces and took profit of their experience in the financing of digital innovation and development to launch the "Startup Challenge Digital Africa" in order to promote the development of digital startups in Africa !

This competition should encourage and support new players in the digital economy, accelerate the sharing of know-how and facilitate the emergence of new solutions for development.

Four sectors have been chosen:
  • Fintech;
  • Health;
  • Environment/energy;
  • Agriculture.
African and French entrepreneurs should submit the key elements of their entrepreneurial project online at http://digitalafrica.afd.fr and must indicate in which of the above categories they wish to compete.

Application deadline: November 15 2016.

10 startups will be rewarded

They will be then invited to go and present their project and meet partners during the 27th Africa-France Summit, to be held at Bamako on 13 and 14 January 2017.

Further information on the:

> AFD website

> Bpifrance website