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Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies

Reporting to the Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, the FQRNT promotes and develops research, disseminates the knowledge stemming from research, and fosters research training including postdoctorate, primarily in the field of natural sciences and engineering.

From "grants" or  "scholarships" sections, you can click on the program you are interested on and access to a sheet including all the necessary and useful information about this program.
For example, among the offered supports, you have the BMP Innovation FQRNT-NSERC scholarships to which you can apply at any time of the year.
These scholarships are also part of the Partnerships program for Innovation which primary objective is to improve the innovative capability of Québec businesses in priority sectors by banking on partnerships between universities, companies, government research centres and college technology transfer centres (read also our article published in december 2008).

Furthermore, on the FQRNT's website, you have access to a researchers directory which contains several thousands resumés indicating researchers's educational background, research topics, fields of application, technological applications and main scientific publications.
You can also, submit your Canadian CV in French or in English.