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Postdoc opportunities offered by the Swedish Research Council

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The Swedish Research Council will award SEK 96 million to postdoctoral researchers

The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) is a government agency that provides funding for basic research of the highest scientific quality in all disciplinary domains.

The Scientific Council announces and decides on grant for postdoctoral positions in Sweden and Postdoctoral fellowships twice a year. 
On May 19, 2009, decisions were taken relating to the last call for applications. 
A total of 398 applications were received, within medicine, the arts, social science and science and technology. 
Of these, 98 have been approved and funding will amount to SEK 9 million.
Next call for application opens at the beginning of July 2009.

On the organization’s website, you can also check out the last published calls for applications.
Currently, among the 6 calls published, 4 concern Educational Sciences:
- Conference Grant,
- Grant for invitation of visiting scientist,
- Grant for travels to foreign institutions as guest scientist,
- Travel Grant.
The deadline for the first call is 2009/08/24 and 2009/10/01 for the three last ones.