ANR/NKTH Call for proposals
Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf
The objective aims to fund Franco-Hungarian research projects in the field of biotechnology in health, agronomy and environment areas.As part of the 2010 edition of the ANR’s (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) international White program (programme Blanc international) and a dedicated call for projects of the NKTH (National Office of Research and Technology Hungary), an agreement was signed between both organizations to facilitate the design and the implementation of quality scientific projects, jointly proposed by French and Hungarian research teams.
A common file must be submitted in each country; each organization - the ANR and the NKHT - financing expenses relating to its or their own (s) partner(s).
French candidates are invited to submit projects for three years and which justify funding from the ANR generally ranging from 200 k € 400 k €.
For more information, please check out the text of the call for proposals and how to apply on the ANR’s or the NKTH’s websites.
Information is mainly available in French or in Hungarian.
Closing date :
- for the ANR: April 15, 2010,
- for the NKTH : April 23, 2010
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