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The Research Council of Norway

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A governmental institution responsible for the orientations implementation of the national scientific policy and allocating approximately one third of the Norwegian public effort in research and development as part of its coordinated programs and specific calls for proposals.

With a budget of NOK (Norvegian Krones) 6.5 billion in 2009, the Research Council of Norway (Norges Forskningsråd, NFR) plays a key role in the development and the implementation of research strategy in Norway.

The main target areas for Norwegian research are: marine research, energy, oil and climate research, medicine and health, food science, information and communication technology, materials science and nanotechnology.

Currently, 21 scientific centres of excellence have been set up, as well as 14 centres research-based innovation (SFI), which goal is to build up and strengthen Norwegian research groups that work in close collaboration with partners from innovative industry and public enterprises.

On the NFR’s website, "Apply for funding" section, you can check up the different funding schemes and calls for proposals. 
Financing opportunities specifically designed for applicants from abroad are also proposed as the international scholarships which aim to promote the exchange of students and researchers within the framework of international mobility and networking programmes. The Franco-Norwegian programme "Aurora" is a good example (please see our article dated April 25, 2010).
Also interesting, the reference to the French-Norwegian Foundation whose mission is to foster a long term cooperation between both countries through the financing of joint R&D projects in which both industry and research institutes/universities are involved (please see also our article dated May 24, 2010).