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Euraxess Links India

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A network for European researchers in India.

Euraxess Links India, a network of European researchers, scientists, and scholars based in India or commuting between Europe and India, which has been launched with the support of the Delegation of the European Union to India. Similar networks have already existed for some years, in the USAJapan and China.

The Euraxess-Links service provides information about European and Indian research and innovation policies and programmes, professional career development and Europe-India research co-operation opportunities.
This service follows an online survey (February – April 2010)whose findings were presented in New Delhi on 4 June 2010. You can view the final report on the website of the Delegation of the European Union to India.

Furthermore, Euraxess Links India publishes a monthly electronic newsletter (job postings, calls for proposals and research related news…) which can be delivered directly to your e-mail inbox.