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Indo-French Science and Technology News

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A quarterly newsletter published by the Service for Science and Technology (SST) of the French Embassy in India.

As part of its missions, the SST, produces reports, dossiers and bulletins available on its website, including the  BE Inde, publication on technology news in India, freely diffused by the French Agency for Diffusion of Technological Information (ADIT).

To inform French and Indian researchers on the collaboration opportunities and news of research and innovation, the STT publishes a quarterly newsletter, the Indo-French Science and Technology. In the latest issue, September 2012, you will find quite interesting information such as:
  • The creation by the scientific and economic services of the French Embassy, of a new Club for Research, Development and Innovation – Club R&D India – which will meet 3 or 4 times a year around a specific focus or theme. The first meeting was held in Delhi (India) on the 13th of June 2012, and gathered thirteen French companies from various activity sectors.
  • The approval also over this summer, of the first set of projects for networking and social science research cooperation between researchers in India and four European countries (France, Germany, Netherlands, UK).
  • The signature in August, of an agreement between the Institut Curie, le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the National Center for Biological Sciences (NCBS) in Bengalore (India), marking an important milestone in the collaboration between these institutions and both countries. For more information, you can read the article published on the website of the Institut Curie.
To subscribe to this newsletter, you just need to log on to the SST's website.