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A Good Council ?

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

An evaluation report of the Research Council of Norway by Technopolis group, published in September 2012.

The "A Good Council? - Evaluation of the Research Council of Norway" report  has been undertaken under a contract to the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research by Technopolis group which analyse and advise on policy and evaluate its implementation in the fields of science, technology, innovation, higher education and social and economic development.

The Research Council of Norway (RCN) is an internationally unique organisation that combines the functions of a council that funds research in universities and institutes and an innovation agency that pays for research to support innovation in business.  For more information about this institution, you can read our article of May, 2010.

After a first evaluation in 2001 which led to the establishment by the Council of schemes for Centres of Excellence (SFF) and Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME), 2012 evaluation outcomes show particularly, that the opportunities for interdisciplinary and innovative research have to be improved.