Where PhDs and companies meet

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[3 days]

Post-Doctoriales sessions are an opportunity for postdocs to contemplate how they would like to capitalize on their research background in environments other than academia. They learn to leverage their skills within a stimulating and realistic professional framework. They also have an opportunity to meet with professionals to discover new career prospects and learn how to communicate effectively to recruiters.

Post-Doctoriales sessions are available in a cross-border format, creating an opportunity to address topics such as expat spouses and the homecoming after an international mobility assignment.

Image of training session "Post-Doctoriales"

Companies, research institutes, universities, foundations and other organizations: please contact us to schedule a Post-Doctoriales session in your organization.

Target audience:
PhD-holder -


  1. Broaden your career prospects
  2. Learn about the job market and recruitment processes (abroad in the case of cross-border sessions)
  3. Build and maintain your professional network
  4. Communicate about your professional identity, background and skills
  5. Prepare for recruitment interviews (abroad in the case of cross-border sessions)


  1. The dynamics of a multidisciplinary group of peers
  2. Discussions with PhD-holders working outside academia
  3. Discussions with human resources managers and business leaders who recruit PhD-holders


Three-day seminar (residential format for the cross-border version) for groups of 25 trainees

French version:

  • Introducing yourself with a creative poster
  • Recruitment process and recruiter expectations: a module led by managers recruiting PhDs
  • Analysis matrix and methods concerning the career, the job search strategy and communication
  • Developing, maintaining and using your network
  • Role-playing in recruitment situations
  • Panel discussions: Testimonials from PhD-holders working in the business sector and from leaders of businesses representative of the job market relevant to trainees fields


Cross-border version:

Additional module: presentation of the international job market + social event.


“To be honest, I thought this would be just another training session, like all the ones I had already taken. The difference here is that for the first time, I truly enjoyed it and found it helpful. Bottom line: this seminar was even better than I had expected.”
“This workshop far exceeded my expectations. I admit that I came in with many preconceptions, but the fact that we went back to the basics was extremely constructive for me. I have already begun a thorough contemplation of my career intentions that will be highly beneficial. I also really liked the demanding standards set by the trainers, who would not tolerate vagueness of any kind. They gave us tools that will be useful even beyond the framework of the job market. Furthermore, I now truly feel that I have the capacity to actively develop my career plan.”
“It was truly inspiring!”
“Participation in the workshop helped me learn more about my skills, how to apply and showcase them better, and provided insight on the recruiters’ perspective and the job interview process. It was a very enriching experience and provided many tools I will use in my career. It had a great atmosphere from all the participants, organizers and speakers, particularly concerning respect, support, and openness. I would recommend the event to Postdoc colleagues and I believe that PhDs who are about to defend and who had just defended the thesis would also greatly benefit from the workshop.”
“I noticed that I could do all that was presented, that do not have reasons to be afraid and that I can be proud of my previous experiences from which I got many skills and therefore would be an asset for whom would hire me. I just need to convey this when I apply to a job in industry.”
“An informative, enlightening experience, in a friendly relaxed environment, allowing reflection on future career goals. This was an extremely useful and rewarding workshop and I am grateful for the opportunity to join in.”

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