Where PhDs and companies meet


You are contemplating your future career or seeking a job. You have new responsibilities or are coping with personal, inter-personal or managerial problems. ABG can provide you with personalized, confidential support to help you enhance your potential.


Need helpful hint?

Contact our Training department
+33 1 427 427 29

From 28 August 2019
to 28 December 2030
One hour session
Training catalogue record Individual career guidance
Inscription Open
Registration process

Advisory session: on line.

Coaching: please contact us at formation@abg.asso.fr

Number of seats 500
Audience - Master or engineering degree holder/candidate
- PhD candidate
- PhD-holder
- Supervisor of PhD candidates

Paid service
Rate (per person) 55 € TTC
You are notified as soon as a new training session is scheduled
I want to be notified


  • Fine-tune and implement your career plan and job-search strategy
  • Fine-tune and implement your doctoral project whether or not it is conducted within the CIFRE (industry-sponsored) framework.
  • Work on your applications and prepare for your job interviews
  • Get feed-back on your networking
  • Get ready for a geographic move or a return from a mobility assignment
  • Cope with new responsibilities
  • Cope with personal, inter-personal or managerial problems


We will adapt to your needs. Two formats are accessibles :

  • a one hour advisory session on a specific subject. Please subscribe below. You will be contacted to set up an appointment.

Theses sessions can take place at ABG or with Skype, in french or english language.




Address : 239 rue St Martin 75003 Paris France