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Les cellules humaines à pluripotence induite comme modèle d'étude des surdités génétiques

ABG-124883 Thesis topic
2024-07-02 Public/private mixed funding
GIGA-Université de Liège
LIEGE - Belgium
Les cellules humaines à pluripotence induite comme modèle d'étude des surdités génétiques
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
cochlée, surdité, cellule ciliée, développement, imagerie confocale, flureoscence

Topic description

We are looking for one highly motivated PhD candidate to join our research group in the Development Neurobiology Unit at the GIGA-Neurosciences, Liège, Belgium (https://www.giga.uliege.be/cms/c_4113263/fr/portail-giga). A dynamic working environment, a competitive remuneration package, a stimulating scientific surrounding in a motivated team. To meet the increasing demands of performing multidisciplinary research, the GIGA offers core facilities including imaging, molecular biology, proteomics/metabolomics, histology, aquatic facility (zebrafish), mouse facility, etc.

The discovery that somatic cells can be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) allows generation of unrestricted numbers of specific types of autologous cells. This discovery has fundamentally changed the stem cell field and gave new prospects for personalized medicine, drug targeting and disease modelling. We have access to fibroblasts of patients with specific hereditary deafness, which will be converted into iPSCs, characterized and differentiated into specialized inner ear cell types in vitro. Our goal is to decipher the mechanisms leading to deafness with the ultimate goal to improve therapeutic approaches.

To reach this aim we have the following two objectives:

1. In vitro characterization of generated iPS cell lines from patients

2. Obtaining wild-type isogenic cell lines using crispr-cas genome editing technique

3. Assessment of phenotypic differences between WT and mutated iPS cells that will be differentiated towards inner ear cell fate


Starting date


Funding category

Public/private mixed funding

Funding further details


Presentation of host institution and host laboratory

GIGA-Université de Liège

La recherche au GIGA-Neurosciences couvre une gamme impressionnante et variée de questions et de techniques. Depuis sa création en 2009, la recherche au GIGA-Neurosciences porte sur les bases cellulaires et moléculaires du développement et sur la fonction des systèmes nerveux central et périphérique. De plus, les chercheurs étudient les causes du dysfonctionnement de ces fonctions et particulièrement dans le cas de l’épilepsie, les maladies de Parkison et d’Alzheimer, les troubles du spectre autistique, la dépression, la surdité, l’orientation sexuelle et les troubles de l’identité sexuelle. Les chercheurs atteignent leurs objectifs de recherche en utilisant une large gamme de méthodes pour identifier et manipuler les composants moléculaires des cellules. Ces approches nécessitent d’importantes compétences interdisciplinaires, dont l’expertise en biologie moléculaire, biochimie, biologie cellulaire, anatomie, comportement, imagerie cellulaire et enregistrement electrophysiologiques et le test d’animaux transgéniques.

Candidate's profile

- Masters in Biology or related subject, preclinical degree, or medical/dental/veterinarian degree

- A solid background in cell biology is required, and highest scientific interest in embryogenesis and developmental and/or stem cell biology is a must

- Practical experience with cell culture, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology is desirable - Good communication skills
- English knowledge is advantageous.

We offer comprehensive training in an innovative field of Neuroscience, a highly stimulating environment and state-of-the-art laboratories featuring the latest cell reprogramming, inner ear cell differentiation and genome editing technologies.

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