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PhD position in microbial sulfide electrolysis

ABG-125411 Thesis topic
2024-08-07 Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)
Antony - Ile-de-France - France
PhD position in microbial sulfide electrolysis
  • Biochemistry
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry

Topic description

Project description:

Bioelectrochemical systems (BES), described as electrochemical reactors whereby oxidation and reduction reactions are catalyzed biologically at the respective electrodes, have emerged as a potentially more energy efficient and more sustainable way of treating domestic wastewater, while simultaneously recovering electricity (microbial fuel cells) or chemicals (microbial electrolysis). In this project we depart from the standard domestic wastewater microbial electrolysis concept, which often limits power production and resource recovery. Instead, we explore niche applications for microbial electrolysis focusing on sulfur metabolism and specifically, extremophiles, targeting the treatment of sulfur-containing waste streams while recovering valuable resources. To achieve this goal we aim to study sulfide oxidation within bioelectrochemical systems, by employing a multidisciplinary kit that includes biogeochemistry, electrochemistry and molecular biology.  This will enable us to differentiate between abiotic and biotic processes in sulfur removal and to assess the potential applications of this technology.

Qualifications, essential and desirable:

To achieve all the above we are looking for someone highly motivated with a keen interest in bioprocesses, holding a Master’s degree in Microbiology, Chemistry, Bioengineering, Environmental Sciences or another discipline with a relevant specialization. The ability to work independently, a collaborative spirit, critically analyzing one’s own work and fluency in oral and written English are expected.  Practical experience in bioelectrochemical systems, microbes cultivation, stable isotope analysis, or coding in R is a plus.

Tasks included:

Establishing and managing microbial enrichments

Setting up and running bioelectrochemical reactors

Assisting in the development of chemical and biogeochemical analytical methods

Conducting sampling and preparing samples for chemical and molecular analyses

Performing statistical and bioinformatics analyses of data

Contributing to the dissemination of research findings by preparing reports and scientific papers, as well as participating in scientific conferences

Project and working environment framework:

This 3-year PhD project is part of the MESHY project, funded by ANR JCJC. You will be hosted in the PROSE unit (INRAE, Antony - Île-de-France, https://www6.jouy.inrae.fr/prose_eng/Axes-of-research ) and will interact with an active network of engineers and microbiologists. You will be affiliated to University Paris-Saclay as a PhD student.   PROSE is an INRAE research unit affiliated to the TRANSFORM and MICA departments and a part of University Paris-Saclay. With a staff of approximately 30 people (21 permanent staff), the PROSE unit conducts research on environmental biotechnologies, including wastewater treatment and recovery, anaerobic digestion and bioelectrochemical processes for biorefineries. We offer a supportive environment dedicated to collaboration, equality and a healthy work-life balance.

You will be supervised by Eleftheria Ntagia, Théodore Bouchez and Laurent Mazéas.


Starting date


Funding category

Public funding alone (i.e. government, region, European, international organization research grant)

Funding further details

ANR grant

Presentation of host institution and host laboratory


You will be hosted in the PROSE unit (INRAE, Antony - Île-de-France, https://www6.jouy.inrae.fr/prose_eng/Axes-of-research ) and will interact with an active network of engineers and microbiologists. PROSE is an INRAE research unit affiliated to the TRANSFORM and MICA departments and a part of University Paris-Saclay. With a staff of approximately 30 people (21 permanent staff), the PROSE unit conducts research on environmental biotechnologies, including wastewater treatment and recovery, anaerobic digestion and bioelectrochemical processes for biorefineries. We offer a supportive environment dedicated to collaboration, equality and a healthy work-life balance.

Candidate's profile

We are looking for someone highly motivated with a keen interest in bioprocesses, holding a Master’s degree in Microbiology, Chemistry, Bioengineering, Environmental Sciences or another discipline with a relevant specialization. The ability to work independently, a collaborative spirit, critically analyzing one’s own work and fluency in oral and written English are expected.  Practical experience in bioelectrochemical systems, microbes cultivation, stable isotope analysis, or coding in R is a plus.

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