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Modeling and simulation of aerodynamic and acoustic installation effects of a small-size quadcopter drone

ABG-125776 Thesis topic
2024-09-11 Other public funding
- Ile-de-France - France
Modeling and simulation of aerodynamic and acoustic installation effects of a small-size quadcopter drone
  • Engineering sciences
  • Digital
  • Physics
aeroacoustics, aerodynamics, large eddy simulation, Lattice-Boltzman Method, Boundary Element Method

Topic description

Multicopter drones are increasingly being used for civil and military applications such as delivery, building inspection, or monitoring. The objective of the project Aeroacoustics for drone PROpulsion (APRO) is to better understand and model the noise-generating mechanisms in multicopter drones in order to reduce their noise impact and to improve their social acceptability. In a quadcopter drone architecture, several aerodynamic and acoustic installation effects are present that will modify the radiated noise spectrum and directivity with respect to an isolated propeller configuration. Aerodynamic installation effects are associated to aerodynamic interactions that cause an increase in tonal noise (unsteady loading noise) and potentially in broadband noise too. These installation effects can be associated with the interactions between propellers and their supporting struts, on one side, and the interactions between rotors, on the other side. Acoustic installation effects are associated with the scattering of the propeller noise by the fuselage or other components of the drone, that can yield to amplification or shielding of the noise. Predicting drone noise is thus a complex challenge, especially for small-size drones that operate at relatively low Reynolds numbers, corresponding to transitional regimes on the propeller blades.

The objectives of this PhD position are to study numerically and theoretically the aerodynamic and acoustic installation effects of a small-size quadcopter drone. This will be used eventually to build a simplified source model in order to to optimize its shape and its trajectory. For more information on the workplan, benefits, eligibility criteria and selection process, see https://perso.ensta-paris.fr/~cotte/files/PhD_thesis_ENSTA_aeroacoustics_drones.pdf


Funding category

Other public funding

Funding further details

Financement CIEDS : https://www.ip-paris.fr/cieds

Presentation of host institution and host laboratory


The 3-year PhD program will take place at ENSTA Paris in Palaiseau (20 km south of Paris). The candidate will be registered at the IP Paris graduate school (https://www.ip-paris.fr/en/).

Candidate's profile

The candidate must hold a Master degree or equivalent in Acoustics or Fluid Mechanics.

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