Effet de traitement thermomécaniques favorisant l'hornification sur la structure et les fonctions de marcs de pomme. // Effect of thermomechanical treatments promoting hornification, on the structure and functions of apple pomace
ADUM-62962 |
Thesis topic | |
2025-03-06 |
Avignon Université
Avignon - France
Effet de traitement thermomécaniques favorisant l'hornification sur la structure et les fonctions de marcs de pomme. // Effect of thermomechanical treatments promoting hornification, on the structure and functions of apple pomace
- Ecology, environment
Transformation thermomécanique, Co-produits végétaux, Polymères, Hornification, Ingrédient alimentaire fonctionnel, Upcycling
Thermomechanical processing, Plant by-products, Polymers, Hornification, Functional food ingredients, Upcycling
Thermomechanical processing, Plant by-products, Polymers, Hornification, Functional food ingredients, Upcycling
Topic description
L'objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre le rôle joué par les interactions polysaccharides-polysaccharides et polysaccharides-eau sur les propriétés macroscopiques de la matière végétale transformée, en particulier au travers d'itinéraires technologiques provoquant la déstructuration et l'hornification des polysaccharidiques pariétaux. Plus spécifiquement, il s'agit de comprendre, à l'échelle moléculaire, l'effet des traitements thermomécaniques de déstructuration (cuisson-extrusion) et de restructuration (thermocompression) des sous-produits de la pomme sur leurs propriétés macroscopiques dans les formulations alimentaires, lors de l'ingestion puis de la digestion.
The aim of this thesis is to understand the role played by polysaccharide-polysaccharide and polysaccharide-water interactions on the macroscopic properties of processed plant matter, in particular during technological pathways causing destructuration and hornification of cell-wall polysaccharides. More specifically, the aim is to understand, at a molecular scale, the effect of thermomechanical destructuring (cooking-extrusion) and restructuring (thermocompression) treatments of apple by-products on their macroscopic properties in food formulations, during ingestion and then digestion.
Début de la thèse : 01/10/2025
WEB : https://qualiment.fr/des-projets-pour-anticiper-les-besoins-de-recherche-des-entreprises-agroalimentaires-2024/hot-topics/
The aim of this thesis is to understand the role played by polysaccharide-polysaccharide and polysaccharide-water interactions on the macroscopic properties of processed plant matter, in particular during technological pathways causing destructuration and hornification of cell-wall polysaccharides. More specifically, the aim is to understand, at a molecular scale, the effect of thermomechanical destructuring (cooking-extrusion) and restructuring (thermocompression) treatments of apple by-products on their macroscopic properties in food formulations, during ingestion and then digestion.
Début de la thèse : 01/10/2025
WEB : https://qualiment.fr/des-projets-pour-anticiper-les-besoins-de-recherche-des-entreprises-agroalimentaires-2024/hot-topics/
Funding category
Funding further details
Contrat doctoral
Presentation of host institution and host laboratory
Avignon Université
Institution awarding doctoral degree
Avignon Université
Graduate school
536 Agrosciences et Sciences
Candidate's profile
Formation :
Diplôme de niveau Master (M2) ou équivalent en sciences des aliments, chimie des biomolécules, biotechnologies, génie des procédés ou disciplines connexes.
Compétences et connaissances souhaitées :
- Bases solides en physico-chimie des polysaccharides et en chimie des composés phénoliques.
- Connaissances en procédés de transformation de la matière végétale.
- Expérience appréciée en techniques analytiques (chromatographie, spectroscopie, analyses structurales).
- Intérêt pour un travail pluridisciplinaire à l'interface entre chimie, biotechnologie, génie des procédés, science des aliments et nutrition.
Aptitudes recherchées :
- Autonomie, rigueur et esprit d'initiative.
- Capacité à analyser et interpréter des données scientifiques.
- Appétence pour le travail expérimental en laboratoire et sur équipements pilotes.
- Aisance en communication scientifique (rédaction d'articles, présentations).
Required Qualifications: - A Master's degree (MSc, MEng) or equivalent in Food Science, Biochemistry, Biomolecular Chemistry, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, or a related field. - International candidates are welcome, provided they meet the academic requirements for PhD admission. Skills and Knowledge: - Strong background in polysaccharides physico-chemistry and phenolic compounds chemistry. - Knowledge of food and plant processing. - Experience with analytical techniques (chromatography, spectroscopy, structural analysis) is a plus. - Interest in interdisciplinary research combining chemistry, biotechnology, process engineering, food science and nutrition. Desired Abilities: - Autonomy, analytical thinking, and scientific rigorousness. - Ability to interpret and analyze complex data. - Willingness to work on both laboratory-scale and pilot-scale experiments. - Good scientific communication skills (writing, presentations).
Required Qualifications: - A Master's degree (MSc, MEng) or equivalent in Food Science, Biochemistry, Biomolecular Chemistry, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, or a related field. - International candidates are welcome, provided they meet the academic requirements for PhD admission. Skills and Knowledge: - Strong background in polysaccharides physico-chemistry and phenolic compounds chemistry. - Knowledge of food and plant processing. - Experience with analytical techniques (chromatography, spectroscopy, structural analysis) is a plus. - Interest in interdisciplinary research combining chemistry, biotechnology, process engineering, food science and nutrition. Desired Abilities: - Autonomy, analytical thinking, and scientific rigorousness. - Ability to interpret and analyze complex data. - Willingness to work on both laboratory-scale and pilot-scale experiments. - Good scientific communication skills (writing, presentations).
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