Where PhDs and companies meet

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Professional company visit

[1,5 days]

Discovering a company, a sector of activity and appropriating its codes, understanding the stakes and constraints of private research, developing one's network: these are key elements for a successful transition to the socio-economic sector after a PhD.

Companies, foundations... ABG calls on its pool of doctoral students and PhDs, prepares them and introduces them to you. Please contact us to schedule a professional visit to your company.

Research institutes, universities... ABG prepares your doctoral students to meet a company and thus to better understand the realities of its sector of activity. Please contact us to schedule a professional company visit for your PhD students.

Target audience:
PhD-holder -
PhD candidate -


  1. Acquire a concrete knowledge of the activities of the company and its corporate jobs in R&D
  2. Develop one's network, make contacts
  3. Identify value-creating activities and potential targets
  4. Pitch efficiently
  5. Market one's research experience and skills according to the context


  1. Immersive meeting: discovering a company from the inside out
  2. Privileged dialogue with the company's researchers
  3. Magic of meeting and cross-fertilization
  4. Pre-visit preparation: adopting a professional posture and creating a constructive dialogue


One half-day for the preparatory workshop and one day for the visit

Preparatory workshop

  • Presenting one's research and achievements to non-specialists - Concepts and methods to take away
  • The importance of networking for career development - Concepts and methods to take away
  • Pitching – Pieces of advice and, individual and collective implementation
  • Preparation of the meeting with the company



  • Laboratory visits and dialogue with R&D and HR professionals
  • Synthesis of collected information and pooling
  • Debriefing, stakeholder input and advice


"I didn't think the private sector would be interested in me, but I came back with several ideas... So you were right! Thank you!"
"A big thank you for yesterday and for pushing me to write my pitch! It already allows me to move forward in my professional projects in a dynamic of valorization of my level of study."
"A discussion experience with a professional who can enter our network, which is key to feeling more confident in the interview. I was also able to see a different way of doing business than what I was already familiar with."
"We were able to meet members of the company who gave us useful advice. The choice of company was good, as their areas of expertise were varied."
"I didn't expect this quality of training, for the first time I feel well trained."

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