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ECOS - South Argentina Program

ECOS-South program aims to foster new co-operation between researchers and to develop joint research projects for a period of 3 years, between French and Argentinian teams. Application deadline: May 15, 2022.


Bernardo Houssay Program

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

(Pour consulter cet article en français, cliquez ici)

Based on researchers' mobility, this program aims to promote the exchange of expertise and research practices between Argentina and France, through the creation and the consolidation of sustainable partnerships between academic institutions and research organizations in both countries. Application deadline: June 15, 2015.

France-Argentina Call for Proposals

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The French Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Development - MAEDI - and the Argentine Ministry for Foreign Relations and Worship - MREC - have launched a Call for decentralized cooperation projects, focused on sustainable local development, in order to promote the association of French and Argentine governments, municipalities and local councils. Application deadline: October 10, 2014.

France-Argentina Research and Development funding

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

French and Argentine SMEs from all industry sectors are invited to submit joint projects in R&D and Innovation. Applications are admissible throughout the year.

New scientific and technological Cluster in Argentina

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A complex that will include in Buenos Aires, the main Argentine structures involved in the development of research, international research institutes and researchers from different nationalities working in various fields: biomedicine, nanotechnology, social science ...

Higher Education in Argentina

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Organization, strengths of the higher education system in Argentina, international collaborations, scholarships ... An information dated of October 15, 2010 and published by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

Higher Education in Argentina

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

Organization, strengths of the higher education system in Argentina, international collaborations, scholarships ... An information dated of October 15, 2010 and published by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.