40 ans - Articles inédits

What recruiters truly have in mind
Vincent MIGNOTTE - Executive Director
Recruitment processes can differ considerably from one company to another: resumes screened by people or by computers, interviews held one-on-one or with multiple applicants/multiple interviewers, “assessment center” formats or shortlisting by a head-hunter for presentation to the company…

Networking or Not Working, it's up to you!
Hervé Bommelaer is an outplacement consultant at Enjeux Dirigeants. For many years, he has been assisting senior executives in their professional repositioning.
He is the author of seven books on networking, including “Trouver le bon job grâce au Réseau (Finding the right job through networking)” and “Recherche d’emploi - conseils des pros (Job Search – Advice from Professionals)” (Eyrolles).

The job of playground manager at the Grenoble business school
Playground manager in a business school: an original and unusual job description. Isabelle Patroix, PhD in litterature, holds this position at the Grenoble business school.
In this interview, she takes the time to answer our questions, to tell us - with enthusiasm! - about her job, her career and her background and to give some advice to PhD candidates and Phds.

[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment
On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.

The videoconference job interview: the Devil is in the details!
The Covid-19 pandemic will not necessarily create a new world. However, it will most certainly provoke systemic changes in work organisation and managerial practices. One immediately thinks of the attitude of managers towards the telework of their employees, or the relevance of the open space, but recruitment practices will also change.

PhDs' voices: doctoral mobility to the UK following Brexit
Mathilde Maillard takes a look back at her experience of mobility to the United Kingdom, during her third year of doctoral studies. A stay of 4 months during which she was hosted by the laboratory CASC (Centre for Advanced Structural Ceramics) of Imperial College London.

La journée du doctorat 2021 sera accueillie par l'Université Paris Saclay le 20/10. Inscrivez-vous avant le 14/10
Cette année, la journée nationale du doctorat sera accueillie le 20 octobre 2021 par l’Université Paris-Saclay dans un format hybride (présentiel et distanciel). Inscrivez-vous avant le 14 octobre 2021, 13h.
La présentation du pass sanitaire est obligatoire pour accéder à l'événement en présentiel.

PhDs' voices Mathilde MAILLARD: activities and commitments during the PhD
In this third and final part of our interview with doctoral student Mathilde Maillard, we discuss the activities and commitments she has carried out alongside her doctoral experience, the benefits she has gained from it, before offering you her tips and advice.

Retour sur le webinaire ABG spécial 40 ans : "Comment les docteurs peuvent-ils remettre du sens dans le débat public ?"
Notre webinaire anniversaire s'est tenu jeudi 2 décembre en visioconférence. Nous avons passé un excellent moment et avons pris plaisir à écouter les intervenants : Jean-Luc Beylat, Gilles Babinet, Tania Louis et Marjorie Meunier, que nous remercions chaleureusement, tant pour la qualité de leurs interventions, que pour leur hauteur de vue lors des échanges.
Sans plus tarder, le REPLAY du webinaire et quelques bonus...
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Discover our members
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
Nokia Bell Labs France
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
ASNR - Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection - Siège
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
JobPermanentRef. ABG128675Mini Green PowerHyères - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - France
Ingénieur (e) / Chercheur (se) R&D – Innovation en énergie décarbonée
Process engineeringJunior -
JobPermanentRef. ABG129192Association Bernard Gregory (ABG)Paris (3ème) - Ile-de-France - France
Business Developer (F/H)
Open to all scientific expertisesAny -
JobPermanentRef. ABG129119Aguaro- Pays de la Loire - France
Docteur·e Data Environnement
Ecology, environmentJunior