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Did you know that a splash could be useful for your personal development?

Bérénice Kimpe - International Cooperation

It is summertime, the weather is hot. You are at your desk. You are angry because your boss did (once again) a not so nice remark about your work. You have one thing in mind: leaving the office and jumping in a pool to cool off.
But going for a splash is much more than just about cooling off!
This article is part of the "Summer series". Read the two first articles here:
- on career planning
- on network

A sensation of airiness
Even if your weight doesn’t change, you feel like you are lighter, you are floating. This sensation can be strengthened by the use of floaters. You get this feeling once the shock with the water is over. The impact may be soft, strong or very strong, which depends on how you took the plunge: belly-flop, bomb, highest springboard…

The same goes for the nasty remark: take it into account but don’t let it become a weight-belt that will make you go down. Put it aside to find your airiness and well-being again, to float above this painful situation.

Of course, it is not natural to float, it requires some efforts. Maybe you would need some floaters or a reaching pole: don’t hesitate to ask for the help of a coach or mentor!

A different perception of things
Once you are under water, you perceive things differently. Shapes are not so clear-cut, external noises sound gentler, rays of sunlight don’t burn as much. Being under water enables you to modify the quality of your perception, to alter your feelings.

Do the same with the unfriendly remark of your boss: don’t be part of this situation anymore and change your perspective by becoming an observer. To reduce the impact of the remark, change the voice of your boss with the voice of a cartoon character (eg Donald Duck!) or reduce the size of the painful scene you are playing again in your mind until it disappears, like something without any importance.

Like the water running off your skin when you get out of the pool, free yourself from the emotional charge that was triggered by the situation. And then, have another look at what happened, you will see it more objectively.