Where PhDs and companies meet

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Fabrice Martin

On the occasion of the 1st national meeting gathering companies and graduate schools, the MEDEF and the ABG have published a special issue of Docteurs&Co magazine. It is titled:"PhDs in companies: asset innovation".

In this special issue, "the magazine for young PhDs who choose the world of companies" has decided to address CEOs and human resources managers in a very direct and simple way.


-Why go without PhDs?
Interview with Laurence Parisot, president of the Union of French Companies (MEDEF)

Definition of the PhD holder and of the main schemes to know him better

-10 reasons for hiring a PhD
Recruiters and CEOs present the main assets of PhDs for a company

-Face to face
Crossed testimonials of PhDs working in companies and their employers

-Who's who?
The Association Bernard Gregory for companies, the MEDEF for PhDs.