Where PhDs and companies meet



Webinaire d'information : Boostez votre activité en intégrant un chercheur réfugié hautement qualifié, subventionné par EURAXESS

Vous êtes une entreprise (de l'ETI au grand groupe en passant par la PME), une ONG, ou une organisation située dans un État membre de l'UE ou un pays associé ? Et vous souhaitez donner un souffle nouveau à votre activité en intégrand un chercheur hautement qualifié à vos effectifs ?

Participez à notre webinaire d’information afin de découvrir le programme EURAXESS de co-financement dédié à l'emploi des chercheurs réfugiés hauutement qualifiés pour des contrats allant jusqu'à 6 mois.

Rendez-vous le 25 mars 2025 en visioconférence, de 12h à 12h45. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes !


ABG Newsletters

Each month, ABG provides you with an overview of its news, as well as that of its network, through 3 newsletters:

  • "Researchers newsletter" for PhD candidates, PhDs, engineering students and Master students (FR)
  • "International newsletter" for all audiences interested in news, funding, and especially international mobility, opportunities and job offers for an international audience (EN/FR)
  • "Employers newsletter" for companies and other organisms which recruit PhDs

Read our latest newsletters and... subscribe to the newsletter of your choice .

Chantal Vernis appointed Executive director of ABG

Following the Board of Directors' meeting on 17 March 2025, ABG is pleased to announce the nomination of Chantal Vernis as its new director.

With recognised expertise in innovation and technology transfer, as successor to Vincent Mignotte, former head of the association for 12 years.

“Engineers, dare to pursue a doctorate!” a Redoc SPI webinar offered with the support of the ABG, as part of JNI 2025

ABG has joined forces with REDOC SPI (Réseau des écoles doctorales en sciences de l'ingénieur) and the Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) to support the organization of a webinar entitled “Ingénieures et ingénieurs, osez le doctorat!” to be held on March 11, starting at 12:30 pm, as part of the Journées Nationales de l'Ingénieur 2025 #JNI 25. (more details below in French)

Register now!

Lancement des Appels à projets Arthritis R&D 2025

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer l'ouverture de nos 3 appels à projets 2025

ABG will be at the Labo 2025 Forum [Paris] from March 25 to 27, 2025. Register now!

ABG will be present at Forum Labo 2025. Join us in Paris (Porte de Versailles) from March 25 to 27, 2025, to meet us and the many other companies taking part.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Apply to the Theses program - edition 2022 launched by ADEME, French Environment and Energy Management Agency

Are you passionate about ecological transition, and interested in doing your PhD at ADEME? Then the 2022 call for applications for its Theses program might be for you (students from humanities and social sciences are welcome) !

Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before April 5, 2022 

France-Nokia Chaire d’Excellence - Call for applications 2025

The France-Nokia Chaire d’Excellence in Information and Communications Technologies offers an opportunity for a distinguished French scholar/researcher to engage in international research collaboration. Check out the terms and conditions of eligibility, and apply before April 17, 2025.

Enter the innovation contest - i-Lab. Apply by 11 March 2025

The 27th i-Lab Innovation Contest, financed by the Future Investment Programme and run by Bpifrance, aims to identify projects to set up innovative technology companies and support the best of them with financial aid and tailored support. Apply now until midday on 11 March 2025.

(more information below in French)

The ABG CV Library has a new look, upload (or update) your CV!

The ABG CV Library has a new look and features. It now offers you a simplified user experience! This change is an opportunity :

  • for us to remind you of the importance of this tool and to guide you in its use;
  • for you to take advantage of our advice to update your CV and to post it!

Collaborate with ABG for your European project

ABG has been increasingly active at the European level and is recognized as "Euraxess Career Development Center" since 2017. It is a partner in several European projects (COFUND, ITN/Doctoral Networks, Interreg, Erasmus, etc.). Discover our actions in favor of the recruitment and career development of researchers and associate ABG to your projects. The call for projects MSCA Cofund is open until June 24th, 2025 and Doctoral Networks will open on May 28th, 2025.

CIFRE at the City of Paris: doctoral students at the heart of municipal action [2025 edition].

Under the CIFRE (Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche - Industrial Agreements for Research Training) scheme, the City of Paris takes on doctoral students whose dissertations address priority issues for the municipality. A new call for applications has been launched at the start of 2025. (More details below in French).

Submit your application before noon on March 7, 2025!

Meet ABG at the MEDINTECHS 2025 forum, [Paris] on 10 & 11 March. Register now!

ABG will be present at the 2025 edition of the MedInTechs Forum. Come and meet us and many other companies on 10 and 11 March 2025 in Paris (Parc Floral).

Recruiter's interview : Jean-Paul KOVALESKY, CEO of Vibratec

Vibratec carries out diagnoses, or provides conception services for manufacturers. This SME, which specialises in the dynamics of structures and acoustic and vibration phenomena, also has the particularity of employing doctors (PhDs). ABG had a discussion with its CEO, Jean-paul Kovalesky, and is now pleased to share it with you.

Join ABG at the Paris Saclay Summit 2025, on 12 and 13 February, at the EDF Lab in Paris Saclay

Health, climate, energy, artificial intelligence, transport, space exploration, food, ecological transition... The Paris-Saclay Summit - Choose Science offers an insight into today's major challenges and issues, as well as reporting on the major upheavals in science. This year, the ABG is a partner of the event and will be putting on a number of events... check out the programme and register now!



EURAXESS program: support for refugee and displaced researchers in Europe seeks host organizations.

If your company, SME or NGO is based in an EU member state or associated country, you can benefit from a co-funding for highly-qualified worker for 6 months under the Euraxess scheme. 

Discover the benefits and check your eligibility now...

Atlas, short–term postdoctoral mobility

Atlas program aims to develop scientific exchanges between France and other countries and to finance research work: field surveys, work in libraries and archives. Applicants in social sciences & humanities  must be attached to a private or public higher education /research institution and be a PhD holder. The deadline for applications is March 31, 2025.


Dominika FORETEK joins ABG's International Cooperation Department

Dominika has joined us as International Cooperation and Training Officer. Read everything about her expperience, her background, her commitments and her objectives in this biographical article.

The PALLADIO - 2025 Scholarships

The Palladio Foundation supports and encourages young talents (students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, French and foreign citizens) who will create real estate and the city of tomorrow as part of its 2025 scholarship campaign. Applications are open until March 17, 2025.

Young Researcher Fellowships at CEFRES : France & Visegrad countries

A mobility support for young researchers in their second year of doctoral studies or more from France, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and whose research contributes to one of CEFRES’s research areas.


ABG at the international innovation exhibition: Curious 2024

Curious - Future Insight™ Conference brings together numerous scientists from all fields and accomplished innovators, enabling them to present their work and explore the future of science and technology!

ABG will be present at this major innovation event and invites you to visit its booth on July 10th and 11th, 2024, in Mainz, Germany.

Apply for the Euraxess Online Seminar for Scientists in Exile's Professional Integration in Europe on May 19 to 22, 2025

ABG is organizing a new online seminar specifically designed for researchers in exile who are willing to pursue their career paths in the economic sector. As part of the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme within the framework of the ERA TALENT Project, the seminar will provide participants with tools and guidance to navigate the European labor market and start building a network outside academia. It will also help them develop their professional skills in a supportive and collaborative environment. Researchers, if you're ready to take the next step in your career, don't miss this opportunity—apply now! Call for applications is extended to January 15th.

Happy New Year 2025: a few words from ABG Chairman Jean-Luc BEYLAT

2025 is finally here... the ABG team wishes you all the best and success for your upcoming projects. Find out more about the ABG's perspectives for 2025 in a few words from our President, Jean-Luc BEYLAT.

Prochain atelier AvanThèse® le 29 janvier 2025

Vous êtes étudiant de master ou élève-ingénieur et vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence de poursuivre en doctorat ? Participez à la prochaine session de l’atelier AvanThèse® proposée par l'Association Bernard Gregory en partenariat avec l’ANRT, l’association qui gère et anime le dispositif Cifre du MESR.

Elle se tiendra le 29 janvier 2025, de 14h00 à 17h00 en distanciel.

French-Italian call for projects Vinci 2025

The French-Italian University (UFI) has launched the new Vinci Call for Proposals 2025. It is intended to support Franco-Italian university cooperation through mobility funding for master degree's students, PhD candidates, post-doctoral fellows and professors between France and Italy. Application deadline is February 12, 2025, 12:00 pm (noon).

Collaborate with ABG for your European project

ABG has been increasingly active at the European level and is recognized as "Euraxess Career Development Center" since 2017. It is a partner in several European projects (COFUND, ITN/Doctoral Networks, Interreg, Erasmus, etc.). Discover our actions in favor of the recruitment and career development of researchers and associate ABG to your projects. The call for projects MSCA Cofund and Doctoral Networks are respectively open until September 26th and November 27th, 2024.

Candidatez à l'appel à projets de recherche "Grande pauvreté - comment l'éviter, comment en sortir"

la Fondation Hospitalière pour la Recherche sur la Précarité et l’Exclusion sociale, soutenue par l'Agence Régionale de Santé Ile-de-France, émet un nouvel appel à projets de recherche sur la thématique générale du lien entre pauvreté et santé mentale. Le dépôt des candidatures (note d’intention dans un premier temps) sera possible du 12 novembre 2024 au 20 janvier 2025.

Highlights of the PhDTalent Career Fair 2024

The PhDTalent Career Fair took place on November 26, 2024. ABG was present and invites you to explore highlights through images from this significant event focused on employment and professional integration for PhD candidates at Centquatre in Paris!

Grands Prix de l'Académie des technologies - 2025

Vous êtes une startup créée depuis moins de 8 ans et estest porteuse d’innovation technologique dans le domaine de l’agriculture durable ? Candidatez, jusqu'au 17 février 2025, à la nouvelle édition des Grands Prix de l’Académie des technologies !

Barrande Fellowship Program 2025

Discover the exchange mobility program "Barrande" for Ph.D. candidates between the Czech Republic and France. This rogramme is designed to provide PhD candidates in the Czech Republic with opportunities to study in France and PhD candidates in France with opportunities to study in the Czech Republic. The application deadline is January 26, 2025.

Fellowships for PhD candidates by the German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD

The DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service)  is offering PhD candidates and early-career researchers a funding program to help them to achieve or develop their research projects in a higher education institution or German research institute (public or recognized by the German State). The deadline for applications is February 17, 2025.

France-Berkeley Fund 2025-2027

FBF supports scientific and scholarly exchanges and collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley and French research and higher education institutions in all disciplines.The application deadline is January 31, 2025.

Call for Applications - Research Grant 2024/2025 from the SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Foundation

The SILAB - Jean PAUFIQUE Foundation supports fundamental and applied research in the field of skin diseases. Each year, it enables a young doctoral or post-doctoral researcher to carry out their research project with a grant of €20,000 for a maximum duration of 3 years. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2024.

Register for the Lyon 2024 job fair - Digital edition on December 4 and 5, 2024

Les rendez-vous de l'emploi is a recruitment forum that brings together companies and PhD holders. The 2024 edition - digital, is organized on Wednesday and Thursday, December 4 and 5, 2024 by the University of Lyon and its partners.

Recruiters, post your offers and select candidates from a pool of more than 800 PhDs! PhDs, create your profile and make yourself visible now!

Register for the PhDTalent Career Fair 2024 on November 26, at Centquatre [Paris].

On November 26, 2024, the PhDTalent Career Fair will be held in Paris: a recruitment forum dedicated to PhD holders, co-organized by PhDTalent and different organizations in the Paris region. Nearly 5,000 visitors, 150 companies and thousands of PhD students are expected to attend this year's event. Take a look at the program and register now!

Eiffel excellence scholarships

The main objective of the Eiffel Excellence scholarship programme is to train in French higher education institutions the future foreign decision makers of the private and public sectors. Three scientific fields have priority : sciences, economics and management, law and politics. The deadline for applications is January 8, 2025.

Fulbright Grants: cooperation program with the United States 2025/26

The Franco-American Fulbright Commission has launched its annual call for applications within the framework of its programme intended for French candidates interested in mobility to the United States. The Fulbright Program offers grants to French students, PhD candidates, and researchers. The deadline varies depending on the type of program.

Atlas, short–term postdoctoral mobility

Atlas program aims to develop scientific exchanges between France and other countries and to finance research work: field surveys, work in libraries and archives. Applicants in social sciences & humanities  must be attached to a private or public higher education /research institution and be a PhD holder. The deadline for applications is December 9, 2024.


French – Italian Day for Early Career Researchers 2024

Under the scientific label of the Italo-French University and with the support of the French Embassy in Italy, ABG and the University of Turin are organizing the fourth ON-SITE edition of the French-Italian day for early-career researchers on October 10, 2024 in Turin, Italy. This event is an opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to get an insight on the job market and the skills necessary for a career transition and to network with recruiters and PhDs working in companies or who have launched an entrepreneurial activity. Registration is open!

Meet ABG on October 24th from 10 am to 4:30 pm at the Welcome Desk Paris 2024 by CiUP

Are you a PhD candidate or a PhD holder? Are you wondering about a specific aspect of your career path or, more generally, about the next step in your career plan?

ABG, a longstanding partner of the CiUP and a guest of its Welcome Desk Paris, is offering you a meeting, on October 24th, 2024, from 10 am to 4:30 pm, at the CIUP. Register now!

ATTRACT, a Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) program for promising junior researchers

ATTRACT is a FNR's programme designed for outstanding researchers, not yet established in Luxembourg, to set up their own research team within one of the country’s research institutions. The deadline for pre-proposals is November 15, 2024.

This autumn, meet ABG at the BIOTechno Forums - 2024

BIOTechno Forums are unique meeting days which bring together students, PhD candidates, young researchers and companies each year. The main objective is to facilitate the creation of a strong biotechnology network, thus strengthening the links between academia and the private sector.

This year, find ABG at the two proposed editions: the Biotechno Sud Forum scheduled for October 17, 2024 in Marseille and the Biotechno Paris Forum scheduled for November 25, 2024.

The Horizon Chimie Forum 2024

The Horizon Chimie Forum 2024 invites you on October 7, 2024, at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris. As every year, the ABG will be there and hopes to see many of you. Discover the exhibitors and the program and register.

The ABG invites you to the Forum Emploi Maths 2024 in Paris on October 7th. Register now

The 2024 edition of the Forum Emploi Maths will take place on October 7, 2024, at the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie (La Villette) in Paris. As every year, it offers the opportunity to connect math students and programs with the needs of companies. Register now!

Gerda Henkel Foundation supports threatened and refugee scholars in the field of historical humanities

Gerda Henkel Funding Program designed for researchers at risk in the field of historical humanities. The funding can be granted for temporary research projects (max; 6 months), doctoral and research scholarships of up 2 years. Since 2023, the Foundation offers a geographically open scholarship program for threatened and refugee scholars. The application is open year-round.

Focus on Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro: International Career Mobility to Italy

Discover Italy's economic landscape with Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro, a key partner in facilitating international mobility and helping professionals integrate into the local job market. Learn how APL can support researchers and professionals in launching successful careers in Piedmont.

Hungarian Research Grant

The Research Grant Hungary is a funding scheme that provides support for up to five years to exceptional international researchers who are leaders in their fields. The aim is for these researchers to contribute to Hungary's growth as a regional hub for research, development, and innovation by carrying out promising research projects. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2024.