After’Doc in Management Sciences
Following its success with the public in the human and social sciences, After Doc' returns on 21 November 2019, at 6pm at the Conan Doyle Circle in Paris!
This third edition, organized in partnership with CGE (French Conference of Grandes Écoles) and FNEGE (French Foundation for Education in Management Sciences), will be held for the public of the Management Sciences!
Conduct your investigation with PhDs in Management Sciences who will be there to testify, and unveil the mystery of what happens after a doctorate!

After Doc' in management Sciences
The progress of your investigation
Préparez votre venue avec les conseils "réseau" de l'ABG
AFTER DOC' in management sciences
Are you a Master 2 student, a doctoral student, or a young doctor? Are the possibilities offered by the doctorate in management sciences a mystery to you?
We have interviewed and invited for you a panel of doctors of management sciences.
What a flair! They have answered present and invite you to the first After Doc' dedicated to Management Sciences!
Career, career, experience, network... leave nothing to chance! Prepare your interview and come and conduct the investigation during this unique evening.
The progress of your investigation...
Far from being a tea room on the famous Baker Street, this evening will keep your senses alert as you collect as many clues as possible and take notes as you listen to the testimonies of our witnesses. The latter will:
- give you tips and advice;
- formulate hypotheses;
- guide your thinking;
- broaden the scope of possibilities!
Once these precious clues are in your pocket, it will be up to you to take action! You will meet the witnesses around an aperitif (included in the participation) and spend them on the grill.... in a friendly atmosphere ^_^.
In the end, this evening will offer you the opportunity to:
- discover, through testimonies, career options and alternatives accessible with a doctorate in Management Sciences;
- take part in the exchange of experiences and good practices, not only with witnesses, but also with other participating investigators;
- develop your network and enrich, in turn, the community of doctoral candidates and PhDs in Management Sciences.
OUr panel
Pour cet After Doc' en Sciences de Gestion, nous avons le plaisir d'accueillir :
[Directrice des ressources humaines du Groupe AFNOR]
Laurence Breton-Kueny est Directrice des Ressources humaines et membre du COMEX du groupe Afnor depuis 2006. Elle a commencé sa carrière comme enseignant-chercheur avant de faire du conseil. Elle est devenue chef de service Ressources humaines à l'Agence nationale d'accréditation en santé (ANAES), puis à la Haute autorité de santé (HAS) avec la gestion de collaborateurs contractuels de droit public. Laurence Breton-Kueny est docteur ès sciences de gestion, titulaire du Master Stratégie RH d'HEC, d’un DEA en droit et du Master Hygiéniste du travail et de l’environnement du CNAM Paris.
Elle est par ailleurs, titulaire de l'attestation québécoise "Accompagnateur de la démarche entreprise en santé" et certifiée "évaluateur en responsabilité sociétale". Elle est membre de la délégation française pour l'ISO TC 260 sur la gestion des RH. Elle est Présidente du groupe local de l'ANDRH Seine Saint-Denis.
Découvrez très prochainement nos autres doc'témoins !
Information and registration
Date et horaires
L'After Doc' Sciences de Gestion se tiendra le 21 novembre 2019, de 18h à 22h
Cercle Conan Doyle
119, rue du Chemin Vert 75011 Paris
Une participation de 5 € réglable uniquement en ligne lors de votre inscription obligatoire.
The After Doc' in Management Sciences will bring together professionals from Management Sciences on all sides and represents a rare opportunity to develop your network in a friendly atmosphere.
To best prepare your visit and make the most of your experience during this After Doc', we invite you to download the free Swapcard application!
It will allow you to have access to the profiles of the participants before the event !
Appstore Androïd
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Nokia Bell Labs France
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
ASNR - Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection - Siège
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
JobPermanentRef. ABG129017SupBiotech- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France
Enseignant Chercheur en Bioinformatique
Computer scienceConfirmed -
JobPermanentRef. ABG128876ESA - Ecole Supérieure d'Agricultures à Angers (49)Angers - Pays de la Loire - France
Enseignant-e Chercheur-e en Agroécologie H/F
Agronomy, agri food - Ecology, environmentAny