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French-Italian University's call for projects 2024

The first call for projects, 'Scientific Label 2023', supports Franco-Italian initiatives of high cultural and scientific interest that will run from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Apply online by Apr 5, 2024.

Label UFI

Call for projects


Practical information and application


The Franco-Italian University / Università Italo Francese (UFI/UIF) is an institution for the promotion of academic and scientific collaboration between France and Italy in the field of further education and research (in accordance with Article 2 of the Protocol relating to the Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Italian Republic on the creation of the Franco-Italian University of May 26, 2014).

The aim of the UFI Scientific Label call for projects is to support Franco-Italian initiatives of high cultural and scientific interest.


To this end, UFI is launching its call for projects for events that will be held from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.




The following organisations can apply for the UFI/UIF Label

  • Academic, cultural and scientific institutions involving France and Italy;
  • Associations and foundations of academic and cultural interests;
  • Research centers;
  • University, cultural and scientific networks with participation from France and Italy.
  • Science and cultural associations and foundations.

The initiative under the UFI/UIF label must involve the active and significant participation of French and Italian stakeholders.




Activities which may be submitted are as follows:

  • Seminars, conferences, congresses, summer schools co-organized by both countries;
  • Franco-Italian cultural events related to academia and international science societies;
  • Specific Franco-Italian university courses and/or integrated into European or Euro-Mediterranean networks;
  • Publications, French-Italian journals;
  • French/Italian translations and vice versa; translations into both languages of documents relating to the event, including simultaneous interpretation.
Please note: Projects that have already been financed in the last two years within the framework of the UFI/UIF Label Scientific program will be considered eligible only for the Label Scientifique without funding. Exceptionally, periodical conferences for which there is balanced co-financing on both sides, French and Italian, may be financed.




If the application for the Label is accompanied by a request for financial support, the maximum amount of funding is set at 2,000 euros per project. Funding will be provided following the signature of the funding allocation rules.



All applications must be registered online (in French and Italian - the French and Italian versions must be identical, only translated into the two languages).


The deadline for applications is April 5, 2024 at noon (CET).  

Access to an application area (in Fr & IT)


Full details on the call for proposals page (in French or Italian).

Find out more

Highlights of the French-Italian day for early career researchers 2021

On October 28th, 2021 took palce the first online edition of the Franco-Italian day for early career researchers (from all disciplines). This event was organized by ABG, In partnership with the University of Turin, and with the support of the Italo-French University, and offered a rare opportunity for students and researchers from both countries to meet and talk with experts in the field of Franco-Italian mobility !

In this article, you can consult the porgram, watch the replay of all the sessions and get the presentation of each and every speaker.