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ABG recruitment services: feedback from our clients - Josefina GIMENEZ from Cabinet Artimon

Recruitment of PhD holders can be an arduous task. ABG provides a comprehensive range of recruitment services. Who better to talk to you than the people who have used our services? Discover the return of Joséfina GIMENEZ, Research and Innovation Director of Artimon...


Recap of the context and the service

Interview with Joséfina Gimenez


ARTIMON wanted to recruit a PhD holder in Humanities and Social Sciences or Political Sciences in order to integrate the Research and Innovation division. ABG supported this company specialized in the impact of technological changes in organizations.


ABG's service included:

  • The organization of a webinar outlining the company and the position to be filled (available in replay throughout the recruitment process on ABG's YouTube channel). Josefina GIMENEZ was thus able to explain the functioning of the company and the expectations regarding the skills sought, and to let potential candidates know more about this; 
  • The promotion of the job offer amongst research laboratories, supervisors and professional associations in order to increase the visibility of the offer to potential applicants;
  • Searching for applicants using a direct approach;
  • Pre-screening of applications to send only relevant curriculum vitae to the company.


Some information about your company ?

Artimon is a consulting firm in management and organization that accompanies its clients in the success of their transformation projects (digital, organization). We got ABG involved through Artimon Perspectives, the Artimon research studio, that works on research projects in the humanities and social sciences around technological developments and their impacts in organizations. These projects have significant innovation challenges and focus on the following areas:

  • future of work;
  • digital transformation of the public sector ;
  • urban mobility;
  • changes in the real estate sector.

The objectives of Artimon Perspectives are to create value thanks to original, multidisciplinary and intersectional research work, supported by their experts and academic partnerships, and to build a lasting bridge between academic research and operational expertise in companies.

What was your need in terms of recruitment?

To meet the needs of our projects, and resonate with our clients' interests, we were looking for a PhD holder in Humanities with a strong sensitivity to new technologies.

The position covered every step of research project management, working with both myself and the consultants. The main missions focused on project development, support for Artimon teams and promotion of productions (conducting studies, producing articles, coordinating surveys, leading project teams, etc.).

Are you satisfied with the collaboration with the ABG? And why?

It was very important for us to be able to count on the expertise of ABG because we lacked experience in the recruitment of this type of profile. We were accompanied throughout the recruitment process, from the writing of the offer to the final selection of candidates and the first interviews - in addition to the support, which has been a real help in defining what we were looking for. I'm thrilled with the outcome because we found the candidate we needed.

What added value did ABG bring to your recruitment?

I would like to mention 2 points

  • on the one hand, the link with a network which was previously foreign to Artimon (PhD holders, PhD candidates, researchers...) and which made it possible to identify the best candidates;
  • on the other hand, the visibility granted to Artimon Perspectives as a viable and truly alternative outlet for such profiles.
Would you recommend ABG recruitment support services?

ABG's knowledge of social sciences and humanities is an asset in identifying needs and defining the recruiting project. In addition, the association embodies a true commitment to research and researchers' interests. These are very useful assets from which organizations like ours have much to gain.

Want to know more about our recruitment services? Read about them in a dedicated article.