E. Jardin & C. Schoch
The French Ministry for Economy, Finance and Industry publishes a monthly journal entitled Industries. You can download the "Cahiers industries " section of it from the ministry's website. “So what?” you might ask.The French Ministry for Economy, Finance and Industry publishes a monthly journal entitled Industries. You can download the "Cahiers industries " section of it from the ministry's website. “So what?” you might ask. Well, the November 2006 issue of Industries magazine was devoted to competitive clusters. Fine. “But what's the use of that?” you might think. Consider this: it's certainly a good lead for identifying small and medium-size enterprises that are involved in R&D projects that might be looking for young researchers.
Want some examples? VigiCell, Nanobiotix involved in the Medicen cluster in the Ile-de-France or again Flamel, Genome Express, Genoway, Protein’eXpert in the Lyonpôle cluster in the Rhône-Alpes or yet again Soitec in the Minalogic cluster established in the Grenoble region.
In your exploration of the job market, it’s worth adding to your reading list alongside Usine nouvelle and Courrier cadres magazines.
Keep in mind also that the SESSI (Service des Etudes et des Statistiques Industrielles statistics bureau) puts together an annual “innovation indicators” checklist.
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