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ABG at the heart of a European network for HR questions related to HRS4R

As part of the Euraxess network, ABG hosted its first working group in Paris on February 22 and 23. Through its participation as coordinator or partner in European framework programmes (H2020-SWAFS, MSCA, COFUND), ABG is strengthening its position on the European scene.


Context and Goals

Feedback in pictures



It was in Paris, on 22 and 23 February, at the premises of our partner SBE, that this first study visit was held as part of the Euraxess[1] network.

It brought together 15 participants, representing both research organisations and institutions funding research and innovation from 7 European countries: Albania, Croatia, France, Italy, Norway, Romania, Spain.

Our programme enabled the participants to discover the specificities of French higher education as well as the mechanisms encouraging the intersectoral mobility of doctors, such as our actions (recruitment and training), the CIFRE or the CIR. We also invited 2 speakers:

- the ED coordinator of COMUE Vinci on the use of DocPro, Dr. Hendrik Eijsberg

Using DocPro for doctoral programmes

- the R&D manager at ATOS to present the two career orientations for expert/manager within the group, Dr. Frédéric Oblé:

"In R&D, we need particular mindsets. We need a mix of young people, old people, engineers, PhDs."
"We need experts. That's why we create an expert path to give them an opportunity to develop. We try to promote the "expert spirit" by organising different activities and specific training sessions for them."

But the real added value of the program was the sharing of experience among participants on HR issues related to career development and the organization's attractiveness strategy. Thanks to their respective presentations, participants were able to gain an overview of the HR activities in Europe, see similarities and disparities and generate new ideas to support their researchers.

The objective of this first working group is to enable the emergence of a common project around the themes mentioned above. The first outlines were presented at the end of the seminar. The next meeting of the group is scheduled to be held by videoconference in June and October to follow up on the project and the network.



Find our story in images and highlights of this two-day event on storify :

Story "Study Visit #SVABG"



Would you like to join the group and meet European counterparts? Let us know, we will invite you for the next session.

Other European actions are being set up, including one linked to mobility and the return of mobility. Are you interested in this topic and/or do you have any initiatives at the moment?  We would be happy to discuss with you!


Bérénice Kimpe – International cooperation manager
(+33) (0)1 42 74 45 46

Attention! Our next European event to promote your offers and your entity in Europe: the Franco-German Researchers' Day in Berlin (late June/early July).

In order not to miss the information and the opening of the registrations, follow us on:

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[1] ABG has been awarded the label  „Euraxess Career Development Center“ since May 2017.