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The winner list of ABG Professional Pitch Contest 2021

The ABG Professional Pitch Contest finale #CPP21 was held at the PhDTalent Career Fair 2021. The contest saw 10 PhD candidates and PhD holders competing for the best pitch in only 2 minutes, with a jury of 4 executives and business leaders.

Discover the list of winners of this edition, as well as the videos of the winners' pitches! 


Two minutes to convince

The professional jury of this 8th edition

The 2021 winners

Two minutes to convince

ABG Association Bernard Gregory, in partnership with PhDTalent, CASDEN Banque Populaire and the National Network of Doctoral Colleges (RNCD), presented the 8th edition of its professional pitch contest on October 15, 2021 at the PhDTalent Career Fair.

The principle of this competition entirely dedicated to PhD candidates & PhD holders is to convince the jury and the public in 120 seconds, by exposing their research experience and their professional project in a clear, concise, and convincing way

8th edition of the ABG Professional Pitch contest / rules / prize and information 

The professional jury of this 6th edition


[Director of Human Resources and member of the Management Committee of CASDEN]

[Managing Director at Linkinnov]

[Director of Recruitment and Talent Development at L'Oréal Research & Innovation]

[Executive Committee Member - Chief Development Officer at MedinCell]

Biographies of the members of the jury for the 2021

The 2021 winners

In order to succeed, the winners of this 7th edition had to convince the jury by the clarity of their path and their project, as well as by their natural attitude and passion : 

  • 1st Jury Prize: Iffat SUMIA, Doctor in Neurosciences. 
  • 2nd Jury Prize: Alexandra SAUVÊTRE, Doctorate in Chemistry of materials.
  • 3rd Jury Prize: Clara MELNICZUK, Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Audience Award: Iffat SUMIA, Doctor in Neurosciences.

The pitches of our winners (the videos of the 2020 winners, as well as those of the finalists of the previous editions, are available on our Youtube channel