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Highlight of the Post-Doctoriales Seminar, organized by ABG with the support of the City of Paris

From November 16 to 18, 2021, a session of the Post-Doctoriales® was held in Paris. This seminar is dedicated to researchers on fixed-term contracts in the public sector, or searching for opportunities, regardless of their field of expertise. 

It is designed to help these young researchers initiate a personal reflection, aiming at valorizing their skills in a stimulating and realistic professional project. It also offers them the opportunity to meet professionals working outside the academic sector.

Check out the highlights of those three intense days.



Post-Doctoriales ABG - Ville de Paris took place in Paris, from November 16 to 18, 2021.

This seminar was conceived and implemented by tABGThao LANGKristina BERKUT & Sandra GIRON with the support of the City of Paris, whom we thank.



6 sequences led by ABG trainers

  1.  Present yourselves with a creative poster
  2.  Designing your career plan
  3.  Career planning & communication
  4.  How to develop and use your network
  5.  Going efficiently through a recruitment interview
  6.  Panel discussion with international PhD holders sharing experience and providing insight on recruiters’ expectations, job search and effective communication outside academia

The entire program is punctuated by role-playing exercises. The aim is to initiate a dynamic which will continue after the seminar, on the basis of the overall work carried out.

More information


Post-Doctoriales also exist in a cross-border format >> More information


If you are you interested in organizing a similar workshop for PhD candidates or postdocs, contact us for more information:

Catherine THOMAS - Training and Support Officer
