Where PhDs and companies meet

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ABG supports you in your recruitments with tailor-made services

Optimize the performance of your recruitments thanks to our personalized services. From pre-selection to approaching directly the candidates, the ABG team puts their know-how, experience and networks at your service!


ABG supports you in your recruitments

What are the advantages of such a collaboration?

They worked with us and are delighted! Testimonials from companies

Practical information and contacts

ABG supports you in your recruitments

The PhD, synonymous with excellence in France and internationally, is attracting a growing number of recruiters within companies. This preference can be explained partly by the ability of PhDs, in all disciplines, to lead complex projects and to use specific skills (eg. related to the design, implementation and promotion of a research project). At the same time, these specificities may mean difficulties in identifying and recruiting such profiles.

This is why ABG, expert in the career development and recruitment of PhDs, is developing services to facilitate this encounter between the recruiters and candides, which always reveals to be promising in terms of innovation and development.

Here are a few examples of our services:

  • Contacting research laboratories;
  • Telephone screening of candidates;
  • In-depth selection of applications and making a short-list of the 3 to 5 best candidates;
  • "Direct approach": identification of expert profiles in a specific field using the most appropriate channels;
  • Elaboration of your recruitment strategy;
  • Proposing spontaneously relevant CVs to recuiters.
Please note that this list is non-exhaustive: we listen to your needs and make propositions to design the most appropriate services for you.

What are the advantages of such a collaboration?

  1. Put all the expertise of ABG in the identification, understanding and recruitment of PhDs for your company
  2. ABG supports you in every step of your recruitments.
  3. Integrate new talents into your teams: ABG gives you access to its network of research laboratories, which cover a wide variety of disciplines.

They worked with us and they are delighted! A company testimonial

A few questions to Josephina GIMENEZ, Director of Research and Innovation at ARTIMON

Tell us about your company?

Artimon is a consulting firm in management and organization which accompanies its customers for the success of their transformation projects (digital or organizational). We contacted ABG for Artimon Perspectives, the research studio of Artimon, which works on research projects in social sciences and humanities on topics like the technological developments and their impacts in the organizations. These projects, with strong innovative stakes, mainly concern the following fields

  • future of work;
  • digital transformation of the public sector;
  • urban mobility;
  • evolution of the real estate sector.

The objectives of Artimon Perspectives are to create value thanks to an original, multidisciplinary and transverse research work, supported by their experts and academic partnerships, and to build a lasting bridge between academic research and operational expertise in companies.

What was your need in terms of recruitment?

To meet the needs of our projects, and in light of the interests of our clients, we were looking for a PhD in social sciences and humanities with a proven interest for new technologies.

The position covered all stages of research project management, working both with me and with the expert consultants. The main missions concerned the development of the projects, the support to the Artimon teams and the valorization of the productions (conducting studies, publishing articles, survey coordination, animating project teams...).

Are you satisfied with the collaboration with ABG? And why?

Being able to rely on the expertise of ABG was very important for us because we lacked experience in recruiting this type of profile. We were accompanied in all the stages of the recruitment, from the drafting of the job offer to the final selection of the candidates and the first interviews. In addition to the support, which was a real help in defining the profile and even the scope of the position, I am delighted with the result because we found the candidate we needed

What was the added value of ABG in your recruitment?

I would like to mention 2 points:

  • on the one hand, the connection with a network which was, until then, unknown to Artimon (PhDs, PhD students, researchers...) and which allowed to identify the good candidates;
  • on the other hand, the visibility given to Artimon Perspectives as a viable and real opportunity for these profiles.
Would you recommend ABG recruitment assistance services ?

The knowledge that ABG has of the research in social sciences and humanities is an asset that help to identify the needs and to define the recruitment project. Moreover, the association embodies a real commitment to research and to the interests of researchers. These are very useful assets from which organizations like us can highly benefit.

Practical information and contacts

For any additional information, or if you wish to discuss one of your current or future recruitment needs, please contact Ms. Floriane LACOUR [Head of the Corporate Relations, Partnerships and Recruitment Department] by email at floriane.lacour@abg.asso.fr.