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New: publish your news for free on the ABG website

ABG is introducing a new feature that is free of charge for all website users: the ability to submit your news independently! This facilitates communication with a wide range of companies, Master 2 students, PhD candidates and PhD holders in all disciplines and seniorities.

This article provides instructions on how to use this feature.


The editorial line and publication conditions

Publishing tutorial

Moderation, publication and distribution

Would you like to share some information with Master and engineering students, PhD candidates and PhD holders in all disciplines, and companies interested in PhD holders, via the ABG website, and reach a wide audience in a short space of time and at no cost?

You can now submit your news, events, calls for applications, scholarships, awards, etc. directly on the ABG's website https://www.abg.asso.fr/en/. The purpose of this practical guide is to provide a tutorial on how to use this new feature and set out the framework and conditions.

The editorial line and publication conditions

Continuing its mission of general interest, ABG's editorial work, which is based mainly on the content published on its website, has 4 main axes:

  • to provide an update on the latest news about PhDs in France and abroad;
  • to contribute to the national debate by providing news in both French and English;
  • to create content that conveys positive messages about PhD training and the career growth of PhD holders;
  • to share information about events, funding, and mobility schemes that are accessible to researchers.

You are therefore able to post a wide variety of news, for example:

  • Events (with fees under 15€) [job forums, theme days, webinars...];
  • Calls for applications and projects [grants, awards, competitions and various doctoral / post-doctoral / corporate funding...] ;
  • News from research and innovation networks about international mobility.
It is important to note that job offers may not be published through this channel. If you need to post internships, thesis topics, or job offers, please visit our job site.
Moderators will delete any content that does not comply with the aforementioned conditions.


  1. Create your ABG account/ log in to your ABG account

  2. Go to your account by clicking on your name in the banner at the top of the page.

  3. Click on "Submit a news item" in the "the ABG perspective" box.

  4. Fill in the various fields (title, caption, body text, and visual).

    Note: for optimal display, we recommend a visual of 500 x 300 pixels, in JPEG or png format.
  5. If needed, add an attachment (pdf format only)
  6. Save


The ABG editorial team reviews proposed content before it is published to ensure it meets the site's editorial guidelines and layout quality. As a result, it may take a few days for your content to be online.

If you don't see your content online right away, don't worry.

If the information you want to share is urgent or has a validity date that expires in less than 3 days, please send an email to webmaster@abg.asso.fr. We will make it a priority to moderate this content.

We can distribute some content through our different communication channels:

  • monthly scientific / employer / international newsletters [respectively 120 K targets / 29 K targets / 18 K targets] ;
  • ABG's various professional social networking spaces [LinkedIn Company Page / LinkedIn Group / Twitter / Facebook].


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