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Docteurs&Co magazine, October 2008 issue now available

Fabrice Martin

The quarterly magazine for new PhDs who choose the world of companies. In this October issue: special report about what recruiters think of PhDs.

Featured in Docteurs&co #19, of October 2008

Trends: The doctorate in Germany

On the Web: A selection of German web sites

Special report: A few years ago, the careers service of Oxford and Sheffield universities in Great Britain began a series of surveys to better understand how recruiters view PhDs. "Do you see a real difference between the Masters and the PhD level?” “What skills do you attribute to PhDs?” “What might you consider to be the key barriers to recruiting PhDs?” Such are the types of questions on the questionnaire sent out to British employers.

How to: Shine at that interview, by Jean-Paul Hermann, PhD in physics and former R&D manager with Renault

Companies from the inside: An encounter with Alain d’Iribarne, administrator of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH) foundation ; How are researchers recruited at Saint Gobain Recherche

Career Path: Edith Fardet holds a PhD in chemical physics and is now product development manager with Thermya.

Docteurs&Co is a quarterly magazine. You can subscribe for free in order to receive printed copies (in French only) in your regular mailbox or to receive an e-mail warning when a new issue is released.

From issue #10 of June 2006, English translations of Docteurs&Co articles are available online. Just click on the English flag when you reach a page in French.
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