Researchers without borders #EU4PHD
Our event, supported by the European Commission, is aimed at guiding early-stage researchers in the implementation of their mobility project, and promoting professional opportunities in the European Research Area. Venue: Paris, December 11 and 12, 2017
All you need to know before going abroad (short videos)
Testimonials of mobile researchers
Booklet "Mobility and career development"
Organized by ABG, UFA-DFH, UFI-UIF, the event is an unmatched opportunity to meet representatives of companies, research institutes, mobility funding bodies and career advisors from different European countries.
Through plenary sessions, workshops, individual advisory sessions and a fair, participants can deepen their knowledge of:
- European research landscapes
- Doctoral and postdoctoral funding programs
- Recruitment processes in both the academic and industrial sectors
They will also find advice and information on how to address mobility-related challenges such as pensions, dual-career couples and return mobility.
Follow us on Twitter @ABG_Asso #EU4PHD
Program & speakers
Read - download the programme [pdf]
Read - download the booklet [pdf]
List of speakers with biography [pdf]
For any question before or during the event, feel free to send an email to
Speakers' presentations
You will find here all the speakers' presentations in PDF.
Full sessions [VIDEOS]
For the first time, we offered the possibility to follow the plenary sessions of the mobility and career days LIVE in streaming on ABG's Youtube channel.
Benefit from our experts' advice and best practices by checking out :
- the detailed video sessions below ;
- in each session on Youtube, every intervention is accessible through a specific link (in the description section below each video).
December, monday 11th [morning]
Research landscape in Europe (part 1): Germany, Norway, Czech Republic
December, monday 11th [noon]
Recruitment process and mobility in academia; IIT, ICN2, LIH
Recruitment process in industry: Novartis, RTDI, Atos, Novo Nordisk
December, tuesday 12th [morning]
Career opportunities beyond academia (incl. international organisations)
December, tuesday 12th [noon]
Research landscape (part 2): Great-Britain, Belgium
Public-private partnerships in Europe: LIST/Goodyear, Atos, ANRT
All you need to know before going abroad
- recruitment process in industry and academia
- doctoral and postdoctoral funding schemes (Marie-Curie-Sklodowska actions and EIT InnoEnergy)
- practical information for a mobility in Europe: Euraxess, dual career service, pension fund
- public-private partnerships and their impact on PhD career development
#EU4PHD in pictures
Live or re-live these two days, dedicated to researchers and their mobility through our 2 Twitter stories [Downloadable pdf] :
Day 1, Dec 11th Day 2, Dec, 12th
Mobility job offers
Victims of their success, all the job offers advertised during the event are filled !
PhD thesis "3-D printing of bacterial biofilms for environmental applications" (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland - Basel)
Assistant Professor (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and physics - Prague)
Underwater sound physicist / acoustician / engineer (Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences - České Budějovice)
Machine Learning Engineer and Imaging Scientist (SpaceKnow Inc. - Prague)
Position in multimodal Neuroimaging data analysis and modelling (Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences - Prague)
Junior Researcher : Implementation and operation of laser driven secondary sources of XUV and x-ray radiation (ELI Beamlines - Dolní Břežany)
Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Officer with a QP agreement (Hospithera - Bruxelles)
All ABG job offers are in ourABG job board
Feel also free to check our ABG International Twitter account @ABG_INTL
Get daily updates on :
- international job offers;
- funding intel;
- advice and best practices article from ABG and our expert network...
- Researchers mobility is necessary and benefits both at the individual and global scale. In order to explain how, the three organizing actors [ABG, UFA and UFI] have answered a few questions in this series of mini-interviews entitled : Mobility as a PhD and available in a playlist dedicated to mobility and career days # EU4PHD on ABG's YouTube channel.
Read - download the press release [pdf]
Read the interview of partners
Testimonials of mobile researchers
Booklet "Mobility and career development
Find out more
Country-by-Country Mobility Guide
Mobility assistance programs, research and innovation networks, information, testimonials and considerations about PhD training, the Country-by-Country Mobility Guide gives an inventory of the vital resources in each country to help you prepare for your next career move abroad.
Franco-German ABG-FGU branch office
The Franco-German ABG-FGU branch office is a partnership between ABG and the Franco-German University. It affords a gateway to the research communities and job markets of both countries.
ABG’s international activities
ABG has been defining and deploying an internationalization strategy centered on our three fields of expertise (support, recruitment, and communication/information) with a focus on mobility (expatriation and return) opportunities.
« Researchers without borders » : let’s discover your opportunities in Europe (Paris, December 11 and 12)
Do you plan to go abroad during or after your PhD? With a postdoctoral fellowship or for a position in the industry? Are you looking for country-specific information on funding schemes, employers, recruitment process, professional codes? This event is made for you!
Get ABG’s monthly newsletters including news, job offers, grants & fellowships and a selection of relevant events…
Discover our members
Groupe AFNOR - Association française de normalisation
ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab
Aérocentre, Pôle d'excellence régional
Institut Sup'biotech de Paris
Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais - LNE
ASNR - Autorité de sûreté nucléaire et de radioprotection - Siège
Nokia Bell Labs France
JobPermanentRef. ABG129119Aguaro- Pays de la Loire - France
Docteur·e Data Environnement
Ecology, environmentJunior -
JobPermanentRef. ABG129192Association Bernard Gregory (ABG)Paris (3ème) - Ile-de-France - France
Business Developer (F/H)
Open to all scientific expertisesAny -
JobPermanentRef. ABG128675Mini Green PowerHyères - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - France
Ingénieur (e) / Chercheur (se) R&D – Innovation en énergie décarbonée
Process engineeringJunior