Call for projects by FRM - 2019
Within the framework of the "Espoirs de la recherche" programme, the Foundation for Medical Research FRM supports the best projects likely to generate significant impact in the health sector. A variety of funding schemes is available to teams, regardless of the theme and nature of their research work.
Read the details of the calls for projects in this article (specific application deadline for each call).
Individual fellowships
The FRM programme "Espoirs de la Recherche" is open to all areas of biological and health research. In particular, it contributes to the professional development of young researchers by offering different types of individual funding schemes.
The individual fellowships proposed in 2019, for which it is still possible to apply, are as follows:
Return mobility to France
- Applicant: Post-doctoral researcher
- Applicant profile: Researcher with a doctorate in sciences awarded in France for a maximum of 6 years at the date of the Scientific Council AND having completed a postdoctoral experience abroad of at least 2 years in the same laboratory
- Host laboratory located in France
NB: The laboratory in France in which the thesis has been completed can be chosen as the host laboratory but mobility is strongly recommended.
Return to France: the applicant may already have returned to France. In this case, it must have been for a maximum of 6 months on the date of the Scientific Council (27 September 2019)
Integration in the host laboratory
The applicant must join the host laboratory in France within 6 months before or 6 months after the date of the scientific council (27 September 2019)
- Funding covering the cost of the beneficiary's salary (gross salary charged, employer's charges and related taxes) - Full-time fixed-term contract
- Employer: body in charge of managing this type of contract in the host laboratory (CNRS, INSERM, University...) subject to its acceptance, in particular within the framework of the limited accumulation of the number of years on fixed-term contract
- Funding period: 2 or 3 years, non-renewable
- Start of fixed-term contract: no later than 6 months after the date of the Scientific Council (27 September 2019)
- Amount: 67,200 €/year paid to the employing organization. The gross salary is determined according to the grid of the employing organization that establishes the employment contract.
Post-doctoral fellowship in France
- Applicant: Post-doctoral researcher
- Profile of the applicant: researcher holding a doctorate in sciences (awarded in France) or a PhD (awarded abroad) defended no earlier than 27 March 2018 (i.e. for a maximum of 18 months at the date of the Scientific Council) and no later than 31 December 2019
- Laboratory of origin located in France or abroad
- Host laboratory located in France and different from the laboratory in which the thesis has been completed
- The supervisor in the host laboratory must be different from the thesis director or co-director
- Funding covering the cost of the beneficiary's salary (gross salary charged, employer's charges and related taxes)
- Full-time fixed-term contract
- Employer: body in charge of managing this type of contract in the French host laboratory (CNRS, INSERM, University...) subject to its acceptance, in particular within the framework of the limited accumulation of the number of years on fixed-term contracts
- Funding period: 2 or 3 years, non-renewable
- Start of fixed-term contract: no later than 6 months after the date of the Scientific Council (27 September 2019)
- Amount: 50,000 €/year paid to the employing organization. The gross salary is determined according to the grid of the employing organization that establishes the employment contract
Starting grants
The call for projects is intended for young high-level researchers, French or foreign, wishing to join a French research structure to set up and lead a new research team.
Funding scheme
The funding allocated by the FRM is a maximum of 300,000 euros for a period of two years. It aims at covering staff costs (salary of the team leader if necessary, salary of a post-doctoral researcher, engineer or technician), material resources (operation and small equipment) and/or mission costs (up to a maximum of 3000 euros per year).
Mandatory admissibility criteria
The host institution must have selected the candidate in the context of an international call for applications finalised by hearings by an international jury. The selection must have been made less than 24 months prior to the date of selection by the FRM.
An eligible procedure must include:
- an international call for applications;
- the hearing of several candidates by a jury mainly external to the host institution (i.e. the number of external members must be strictly higher than the number of internal members) and composed at least in part of foreign scientists (and working abroad);
- the ranking made by the jury of all the candidates interviewed;
- a report of the selection mentioning the evaluation of the candidate presented to the FRM.
The committee will pay particular attention to the modalities and rates of selection. This call for projects is intended to encourage mobility. Any request for a splitting of an existing team within the host institution is therefore excluded.
Selection process
The selection of applications is carried out by an ad hoc committee including the president and vice-president of the FRM Scientific Council and several scientists recognized for their broad expertise. Projects will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
(a) procedures implemented by the host institution to select applications, the selection rate, the composition of the committee involved in the process and the hearing of candidates,
(b) candidate's scientific quality and experience,
(c) level of excellence of the host institution,
For further information, please contact: Mr. Rodrigue M'BOUTOU at (+33 1 44 39 75 83).
The calendar
Call for projects "Starting grants" (in French)
Information and contact
Find on the dedicated page of the FRM website, the details of the procedures.
The application procedure is carried out on the Evision portal.
The contact person for any questions regarding the calls for projects of the "Espoirs de la Recherche" programme:
Mrs Gaëtane Pollin - Project manager for scientific awards [+33 1 44 39 39 75 74]
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