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Euraxess France National Days 2021

Euraxess France National Days took place on October 11 and 12 in Strasbourg. More than 40 Euraxess centers met to advance the practices of welcoming and supporting the mobility of foreign researchers in France.

Euraxess France

About Euraxess France

Objectives of Euraxess National Days

Values of Euraxess

More than 40 Euraxess centers throughout France met for a national meeting which was organized by Euraxess services center of the University of Strasbourg (Euraxess Unistra).

About Euraxess France

The network of EURAXESS France service centers helps international PhD candidates and researchers with their administrative procedures before or after their arrival in France in order to ensure a good integration during this professional mobility and to contribute to the scientific attractiveness of France.

In 2013, the French Euraxess network became an association led by the three founding members: the Conference of University Presidents, the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris and Association Bernard Gregory. Today, the association has more than 40 members hosting a EURAXESS service center and associate members represented by its bodies.

Since 2017, ABG has been labeled "Euraxess Career Development Center" by the European Commission and contributing to various European projects thanks to its expertise on:

  • doctoral training ;
  • career development ;
  • and international mobility.

Objectives of Euraxess National Days

The association of Euraxess service centers meets twice a year to :

  • Discover Euraxess network and its services:

Euraxess National Days are an opportunity to exchange with colleagues and to meet representatives of the new Euraxess centers that have recently joined the network.

  • To get to know the existing mechanisms facilitating the recruitment of international talent (administrative and financial procedures and the process for non-Europeans):

These national days also provided an opportunity to get to know "PAUSE" program piloted by the Collège de France, the national program for the emergency reception of scientists and artists in exile.

Since 2019 ABG has accompanied the Pause laureates in their career development and their professional insertion in the socio-economic sector after the Pause contract.

  • Discuss the problems encountered when welcoming and accompanying international researchers and benefit from feedback from the service centers:

The "study visit" or "virtual study tour" are another opportunity for centers to share best practices.

  • Facilitate the reception and mobility of foreign researchers by working in the various working groups dedicated to various themes concerning researchers or Euraxess officers (housing, communication, quality, procedures, careers, etc.)

ABG contributes to the "career" working group to offer support to the centers on the subject of the evolution of researchers' careers.

values of Euraxess

These days are also an opportunity to reflect on the values of Euraxess:

accessibility, professionalism, hospitality, benevolence, openness, cooperation, ethics, trust, confidentiality, respect, equality, diversity, inclusion, interculturality... The values that the service centers put forward by welcoming researchers in incoming or outgoing mobility; from M2 students to profiles at the end of their career.


Discover some of the activities and expertise of Euraxess via: 

The first promotional video of Euraxess France networke

Facebook page of the network  

The next national days will take place in Paris at the end of January 2022 at the Cité universitaire internationale de Paris.


Find out more

Collaborate with ABG for your European project

ABG has been increasingly active at the European level and is recognized as "Euraxess Career Development Center" since 2017. It is a partner in several European projects (COFUND, ITN/Doctoral Networks, Interreg, Erasmus, etc.). Discover our actions in favor of the recruitment and career development of researchers and associate ABG to your projects. The call for projects MSCA Cofund and Doctoral Networks are respectively open until September 26th and November 27th, 2024.

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