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Atlas, short–term postdoctoral mobility

Atlas program aims to develop scientific exchanges between France and other countries and to finance research work: field surveys, work in libraries and archives. Applicants in social sciences & humanities  must be attached to a private or public higher education /research institution and be a PhD holder. The deadline for applications is December 9, 2024.



Terms and conditions

Mission and funding


The Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme and its partners offer mobility grants for stays of 2 to 3 months in France to postdoctoral researchers of all nationalities (see the call corresponding with your country). This grant is intended to help researchers carry out research work: field surveys, work in libraries and archives.

Applicants in social sciences & humanities  must be attached to a private or public higher education /research institution and be a PhD holder.

Terms and conditions

  • The programme breaks down into two sections:

  1. The INCOMING programme: it targets researchers affiliated with an institution of higher education and research or a public/private research institute based aboard wishing to undertake a research stay in France.
  2. The OUTGOING programme: it targets researchers residing and affiliated with a french institution of higher education and research or a public/private research institute who would like to benefit from a research stay in another country.
  • For the incoming mobility: Applicants must have obtained their PhD who have defended their thesis no earlier than 2018.
  • For the outgoing mobility: For outgoing mobility: Be a citizen of an EU country and reside in France; be a post-doctoral researcher in SHS and have obtained their doctorate degree from 0-6 years before (depending on the call) ; be associated with a research center / laboratory in France.
  • Please refer to the different calls to find out what arrangements apply to the competition you have chosen (geographical area, length of the fellowship) and the application procedure.

France > the Andes (outgoing) call in French

France > East Africa (outgoing) call in French

East Africa > France (incoming)

Iran > France (incoming) 

Central Asia > France (incoming)

Ukraine> France (incoming)

Romania > France (incoming)

Belarus, Moldova, Russia > France (incoming)

Arab countries > France (incoming)

Italy > France (incoming)

Mission and funding

  • Recipients will receive a monthly stipend between 1 400€ - 1 800€ (according to their destination).
The final deadline for application is December 9, 2024.


See the call for applications on the FMSH website