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United Kingdom


Alliance: French-British program to support researchers' mobility

The Partenariat Hubert Curien (PHC) - Alliance 2023 - aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and the UK laboratories, involving a significant participation of young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral fellows). The deadline for applications is September 30, 2022.


Catapult Centres development in the UK

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

The British government has announced an additional investment of £185 million in two new technology and innovation or Catapult Centres in 2015-2016 in the field of Diagnostics for Stratified Medicine and Energy systems.

University Spin-Outs…

Carisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A document of Science and Technology Department of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom. Authors: Maggy Heintz, Le Quiniou Clotilde.

Survey on UK researchers

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf et Fabrice Martin

6 000 researchers employed in 51 UK Higher Education Institutions, from all statutes and all disciplines, have responded to Vitae online survey. You wanted to know what a research career looks like on the other side of the Channel ? Ask the researchers.

Promoting the UK doctorate : Opportunities and challenges

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A research report published in September 2009 by UK Universities

The market for international research students in the UK

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report from the British Higher Education International Unit

Innovation in UK

Clarisse Faria-Fortecoëf

A report published in 2008 by the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS)

What do PhDs do? - Trends

Fabrice Martin

What have become of PhDs who graduated between 2003 et 2005 in the United Kingdom? A new report by the UK GRAD Programme focuses on the evolution of their employment data.

Good to know

Evelyne Jardin


PhDs, welcome to the UK!

Fabrice Martin

British employers are generally eager to hire PhDs and French PhDs are very appreciated and considered to be well educated across the channel.

Interview with Emmanuelle Marchal

Evelyne Jardin

Emmanuelle Marchal is a junior research fellow at the CNRS-Cee and co-author of a book entitled Des marchés du travail équitables? Approche comparative France/Royaume-Uni (2001).