Where PhDs and companies meet

Coach's corner

Advice  about necessary self-reflection.

[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment

On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.

[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment

On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.

PhDs, what do you get out of lockdown?

That's it, we're starting to see the end of the tunnel of this strange period. Many people think that it will have a profound impact on the way we work and consume, but also on our social and family relationships... And probably much more!

The videoconference job interview: the Devil is in the details!


The Covid-19 pandemic will not necessarily create a new world. However, it will most certainly provoke systemic changes in work organisation and managerial practices. One immediately thinks of the attitude of managers towards the telework of their employees, or the relevance of the open space, but recruitment practices will also change.

Rituals, how the Little Prince helps us to live well in confinement

For doctoral candidates, researchers, supervisors, team leaders and managers: the value of rituals to unite teams.

Over the last few days, our organization and our pace of life have been disrupted, we have lost some of our points of reference. Having quickly adapted to the new requirements, the challenge is to hold out over the long term.

Networking or Not Working, it's up to you!

Hervé Bommelaer is an outplacement consultant at Enjeux Dirigeants. For many years, he has been assisting senior executives in their professional repositioning.


He is the author of seven books on networking, including “Trouver le bon job grâce au Réseau (Finding the right job through networking)” and “Recherche d’emploi - conseils des pros (Job Search – Advice from Professionals)” (Eyrolles).

Do as Jonathan Livingston the Gull did, fly on your own

Author: Bérénice Kimpe

Have you ever read "Jonathan Livingstone the Gull", Richard Bach's tale about boldness and freedom? It is the story of a seagull that is convinced that it can do something other than what it is intended to do. It will never stop pushing its limits to continue to progress and above all find its way.

Beyond a simple summer reading, Jonathan’s story is a pretty tale about personal development, as you will see.

What recruiters truly have in mind

Vincent MIGNOTTE - Executive Director

Recruitment processes can differ considerably from one company to another: resumes screened by people or by computers, interviews held one-on-one or with multiple applicants/multiple interviewers, “assessment center” formats or shortlisting by a head-hunter for presentation to the company…

Tomorrow I have an important interview...


Vincent Mignotte – Executive Director of ABG


One morning, several years ago, I heard my neighbor yelling to his wife, "Where the hell did you put my white shirt? This morning I see my biggest client, I'm late, he's going to tear me apart! ». I deduced that he felt more important than his wife... but much less important than his client. And in the moment that followed, I imagined with a smile the course of his appointment ...