Where PhDs and companies meet

[Video] The skills needed in a professional environment

On the occasion of the 2019 Professional Pitch Contest #CPP19, members of the jury constituted of executives and business leaders share their experience on the question of skills. You will find in this video their views on recruitment, professional development or doctoral training.


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Interviews : Ouissame BENFAIDA
Captation : Hugues SIMMAT
Direction : Charles GERMANNEAU [https://charlesgermaneau.com/]

For their participation, many thanks to :

  • Laurence BRETON-KUENY [Director of Human Resources of the AFNOR Group]
  • Philippe MICLOT [General Delegate CASDEN Banque Populaire Partnerships and Institutional Relations]
  • Emmanuel CUSTODERO [Scientific Director at Michelin]
  • Caroline LUC [Head of HR Development Safran SA]
  • Danièle QUANTIN [President of the materials cluster MATERALIA, President of the "Société Française de Métallurgie et des Matériaux"].