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Welcome Desk Paris: all the services gathered to facilitate the administrative procedures of international students and researchers (10.09 - 23.11)

The Welcome Desk Paris 2018 is organised by Cité internationale universitaire with the support of the City of Paris and the Region Ile de France to facilitate the arrival and integration of international students and researchers.


This specific event offers the following services:

- Validation of long-stay visas valid as residence permits by the French Immigration Office (OFII)

- Submission of applications for renewal of residence permits, validation of “Passeports Talents”

- Submission of applications for residence permits for Algerian nationals by the Prefecture of Police

- Online registration of housing allowance applications with the French Family Allowances Administration (CAF)

- Obtaining reliable and up-to-date information on work permits, housing, student social security, mutual insurance, job search assistance, scholarships, social assistance and cultural offerings in Paris

The website of Acc&ss Paris Ile de France also provides information on the steps to take before coming to France and throughout the stay: http://access.ciup.fr

The Welcome Desk is open from 10 September to 23 November 2018, in the premises of Cité internationale universitaire. It is open to all international students, doctoral candidates and doctorate holders hosted in the region Ile de France.

More about the services for international researchers